Customer Net Promoter Score Help You Increase Expansion Revenue and Reach Goals: Ken Research

The Net promoter score (NPS) embodies the metric that shows you how many customers are willing to commend your product/ service to other individuals. NPS is one of the most imperative KPIs you should track, since it provides the direct insights into customer satisfaction and brand loyalty. An NPS analysis reveals how loyal your clients are, as well… Read More »

Employee Net Promoter Score Helps Bridge the Difference Gap Between You and Your Employees: Ken Research

Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS) is a method built across the Net Promoter Score (NPS) to measure the employee loyalty. It measures how enthusiastic your employees are to commend their workplace to their family or friends. Imagine having employees in your organization that are enthusiastic and loyal to your organization. Envisage having a team of employees going… Read More »