Middle East Electronic Security Market Outlook to 2022

By Monitoring and Surveillance (CCTV, Access Control and Intruder Detection), Restricted Entry Systems (Traffic Barriers, Turnstiles, Detectors, Automated Gates, Traffic Bollards)

Region:Middle East


Product Code:KR710

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October 2018

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About the Report

The report titled "Middle East Electronic Security Market Outlook to 2022 - By Monitoring and Surveillance (CCTV, Access Control and Intruder Detection), Restricted Entry Systems (Traffic Barriers, Turnstiles, Detectors, Automated Gates, Traffic Bollards)" covers various aspects including introduction to Middle East monitoring and surveillance and restricted entry systems market size, major players in middle east electronic security market, Market segmentation by region (North, Central, West, East and South), Market Segmentation by Type (Video and monitoring systems and restricted entry systems), Growth Drivers, Restraints, Key Regulations Future Outlook and Analyst recommendation.
This report will help the readers to identify the ongoing trends in the industry and anticipated growth in future depending upon changing industry dynamics in coming years. The report is useful for system integrators, manufacturers, distributors, resellers, end users, government and potential entrants and other stakeholders to align their market centric strategies according to ongoing and expected trends in the future.

Middle East Electronic Security Market

Middle East Electronic Security Market Overview

Electronic security industry in Middle East region is still in the growth stage and has registered positive a five year CAGR of during 2012-2017. The market size increased to almost USD 1 Billion. The growth was mainly driven by implementation and amendments of regulatory compliance to use the electronic security by the government due to increasing security concerns. Technological innovations and increased focus on infrastructure development has also resulted in increase in demand of electronic security equipments. Digitization of manual work by use of artificial intelligence, better scanning, reduced interference of manpower, remote access and surveillance, and reducing price with advancement and adoption of technology has helped the market in achieving positive growth.

Market Segmentation

By Region: Central region of Middle East is the biggest market for electronic security products accounting for the highest market share in 2017. Saudi Arabia witnessed the highest sales of electronic security equipments by value. It was swiftly followed by Northern where Turkey leads the market and Western part where Israel is the largest market. Heavy investments in infrastructure projects for diversification of economy and government regulations are the major reason behind the growth in the region. Long term plans for development of the economy is adopted by many Middle Eastern countries including UAE Vision 2021, Saudi Arabia 2030, Kuwait 2035 and similar programs which are key drivers for demand of electronic security in their respective countries.

By Type: The market is dominated by monitoring and video surveillance systems as it acquire highest sales value of the total share in the electronic security market. The market is further categorized into video surveillance, access control and intrusion detection systems. Video surveillance has majority share and is largely dominated by high definition IP cameras. Recording facility from 24 hours to 6 months service and recording of other attributes for video analytics are sold at premium. Restricted entry systems which constitutes significant share in the electronic security market are mostly installed by manned guarding companies and the technological advancement and adoption is slow as compared to monitoring surveillance systems. The restricted entry system was further segmented into various constituents, which includes traffic barriers and accessories, Walk through metal detectors and baggage detectors, Turnstiles and electronic gates, automated doors, gates, garage doors and shutters, and automated retractable traffic bollards.

Competition Scenario

The manufacturers of electronic security in Middle East sell their products to end users through distributors and system integrators. The report focuses on discussing the competitiveness of both major manufacturers as well as system integrators present in the market. The market is dominated by major global players although entrance of some other players especially from China has resulted in change in market dynamics. Different countries have different leading players in each segment of technology. Major multinational companies are among the top players in each country and the demand for their technologically advanced and latest products is the key source for their revenue. Commoditized products see a large competition with presence of many leading and small players from across the globe.

Future Outlook

The market for electronic security in the region is estimated to grow with rising demand from end users in both commercial and retail sector. This market is primarily driven by video monitoring surveillance which will acquire majority of market share. The market will primarily grow due to requirements of surveillance cameras which have been made necessary by the government in various countries. Among the regions, central and northern region will drive majority of demand from the market in the future. Usage of analytics in surveillance and monitoring and remote or wireless access control and intrusion detection will key value add that is expected drive the market in future.

Key Topics Covered

  • Overview of Electronic Security Market in Middle East.
  • Value chain analysis.
  • Electronic Security Market Size by Revenue.
  • Major Players in the Middle East Electronic Security Ecosystem.
  • Market Segmentation by Region (North, Central, West, East and South), by Type (Video and Monitoring Systems and Restricted
  • Entry Systems)
  • Restraints
  • Growth Drivers
  • Competitive Benchmarking of Major Manufacturers
  • Company profile of Major Manufacturers (Bosch, HIK vision, Samsung Techwin, Pelco, Axis Communication)
  • Company profile of Major System Integrators (Group 5, G4S, SSS, SeedIS)
  • Industry Scenario by Region
  • Vendor Selection Process
  • Key Regulations
  • Future Outlook
  • Analyst Recommendation.



Key Target Audience

  • Electronic Security Companies
  • Restricted Entry System Equipment Manufacturers
  • System Integrators
  • Venture Capitalists
  • Startups in Electronic Security
  • Research and Development Firms
  • Software Companies
  • Security Analytics Companies

Time Period Captured in the Report

  • Historical Period - 2012-2017
  • Future Forecast - 2017-2022


Key Segments Covered

By Type

  • Monitoring and Surveillance
  • Restricted Entry System
  • By Monitoring and Surveillance
  • CCTV
  • Access Control
  • Intrusion detection

By Restricted Entry System

  • Traffic Barriers & Accessories
  • Walkthrough Metal And Passenger Baggage Detectors
  • Turnstiles and E-Gates
  • Automation Systems for Gates, Doors, Garage Doors And Shutters
  • Automatic Retractable Traffic Bollards

By Region

  • North
  • South
  • East
  • West
  • Central

Companies Covered

Electronic Security Equipment Manufacturers:

  • Bosch,
  • Honeywell,
  • Axis,
  • Pelco,
  • Hanwha Techwin,
  • Hikvision,
  • Avigilon,
  • FLIR System,
  • IndigoVision,
  • Panasonic,
  • and Arecont Vision

Restricted Entry System Manufacturers:

  • Building Defense System,
  • Gallagher Security,
  • Cochrane,
  • ASEC,
  • Rapiscan,
  • Fast lane,
  • Harris,
  • Cam,
  • and Kaba Doors

System Integrators:

  • Group 5,
  • G4S,
  • SeedIS,
  • and SSS Co.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1. Middle East Electronic Security Market Executive Summary

2. Research Methodology

2.1 Market Definitions
2.2 Abbreviations
2.3 Consolidated Research Approach
2.4 Market Sizing and Limitation – Electronic Security Market
2.5 Products and Services Covered
2.6 Variables (Dependent and Independent)
2.7 Middle East Electronic Security Market Correlation Matrix
2.8 Middle East Electronic Security Market Regression Matrix

3. Value Chain of Electronic Security Market in Middle East

4. Overview of Electronic Security Market in Middle East

5. Middle East Electronic Security Market Size, 2012-2017

6. Middle East Electronic Security Market Segmentation

6.1 By Type, 2017

6.1.1 By Monitoring and Surveillance Market, 2017 Video Surveillance Market, 2017 Access Control Market, 2017 Intrusion Detection Market, 2017

6.1.2 Restricted Entry System Market, 2017 (1/2)

6.2 By Region, 2017

7. Competition in Middle East Electronic Security Market

7.1 Parameters of Competition for System Integrators
7.2 Comparative Analysis of Major System Integrators, 2017
7.3 Company Profile of System Integrators

7.3.1 Group 5
7.3.2 G4S Security
7.3.3 SeedIS
7.3.4 Specialized Security Systems

7.4 Company Profile of Equipment Manufacturers

7.4.1 Honeywell
7.4.2 HIK Vision
7.4.3 Hanwha Techwin
7.4.4 Company Profile of Pelco
7.4.5 Company Profile of Bosch
7.4.6 Company Profile of Axis Communication

7.5 Heat Map

7.5.1 Leading Manufacturers in Middle East Surveillance and Monitoring Market, 2017
7.5.2 Leading Manufacturers in Middle East Restricted Entry System, 2017

8. Industry Analysis in Middle East Electronic Security Market

8.1 Porter Five Forces Analysis
8.2 SWOT Analysis
8.3 Growth Drivers
8.4 Restraints
8.5 Vendor Selection Process
8.6 Key Trends in Middle East Electronic Security Market

8.6.1 Diversification
8.6.2 Emerging Technologies
8.6.3 Emerging Concept of Smart Cities
8.6.4 Growth In Real Estate

8.7 Government Regulations in Middle East Electronic Security Market

9. Case Study Understand the Cost and Usage of Security System Installation in a Mall in Middle East

10. Snapshot on Major Countries in Middle East Electronic Security Market

10.1 Saudi Arabia Electronic Security Market, 2017-2022

10.1.1 Major Players in Saudi Arabia Electronic Security Equipment Market, 2017

10.2 Qatar Electronic Security Market, 2017-2022
10.3 Kuwait Electronic Security Market, 2017-2022
10.4 UAE Electronic Security Market, 2017-2022
10.5 Turkey Electronic Security Market, 2017-2022

11. Future Outlook and Projections

11.1 Middle East Electronic Security Market Future Outlook 2017-2022
11.2 Middle East Electronic Security Market Future Segmentation

11.2.1 By Type of Electronic Security Device, 2017-2022 By Type of Monitoring and Surveillance System, 2017-2022 By Type of Restricted Entry System, 2017-2022

11.2.2 By Region, 2017-2022
11.2.3 Future Projects
11.2.4 Economic Growth in Major Middle East Economies, 2015-2020

12. Middle East Electronic Security Market – Analyst Recommendations


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List of Figure

Figure 1-1: Middle East Electronic Security Market by Revenue, 2012-2022
Figure 1-2: Middle East Electronic Security Market Segmentation by Regions by Revenue in Percentage, 2017 and 2022
Figure 3-1: Value Chain of Middle East Electronic Security Market
Figure 5-1: Middle East Electronic Security Market Size by Revenue and Growth Rate, 2012-2017
Figure 6-1: Middle East Electronic Security Market by Type in Percentage by Revenue, 2017
Figure 6-2: Middle East Monitoring and Surveillance System Market Segmentation by Revenue, 2017
Figure 6-3: Middle East Restricted Entry Market Segmentation by Type by Revenue, 2017
Figure 6-4: Middle East Electronic Security Market Segmentation by Region by Revenue, 2017
Figure 7-1: G4S Revenue from Middle East and India Region, 2015-2017
Figure 7-2: Revenue of Honeywell Building Technologies in USD Billion, 2015-2017
Figure 7-3: Operating Income of HIK Vision, 2014-17
Figure 10-1: Saudi Arabia Electronic Security Market By Revenue and Growth Rate, 2017-2022
Figure 10-2: Saudi Arabia Electronic Security Market Segmentation by End User by Revenue, 2017
Figure 10-3: Market Share of Major Players in Saudi Arabia Electronic Security Market, 2017
Figure 10-4: Qatar Electronic Security Market By Revenue and Growth Rate, 2017-2022
Figure 10-5: Market Share of Major Equipment Suppliers in Qatar, 2017
Figure 10-6: Kuwait Electronic Security Market by Revenue, 2017-2022
Figure 10-7: Market Share of Major System Integrators in Kuwait, 2017
Figure 10-8: UAE Electronic Security Market by Revenue and Growth Rate, 2017-2022
Figure 10-9: Market Share of Major Players by Revenue in UAE Electronic Security Market, 2017
Figure 10-10: Turkey Electronic Security Market by Revenue and Growth Rate, 2017-2022
Figure 11-1: Middle East Electronic Security Market Future Projection by Revenue and Growth Rate, 2017-2022
Figure 11-2: Middle East Electronic Security Market Segmentation by Type of Electronic Security System by Revenue, 2017-2022
Figure 11-3: Middle East Monitoring and Surveillance Market Segmentation by Type by Revenue in Percentage, 2017-2022
Figure 11-4: Middle East Restricted Entry System Future Market Segmentation by Type by Revenue in Percentage, 2017-2022
Figure 11-5: Middle East Electronic Security Future Market Segmentation by Region by Revenue in Percentage, 2017-2022

List of Table

Table 1-1: List of Major Manufacturers and System Integrators in Middle East Electronic Security Market, 2017
Table 2-1: Correlation Matrix for Saudi Arabia Electronic Security Market
Table 2-2: Regression Coefficient Output for Saudi Arabia Electronic Security Market
Table 5-1: Frequency of Use of Electronic Security Equipment by End- Users, 2017
Table 6-1: Middle East Electronic Security Market Segmentation by Type by Revenue in USD Million, 2017
Table 6-2: Middle East Monitoring and Surveillance System Market Segmentation by Revenue, 2017
Table 6-3: Parameters of Competition for Video Surveillance Market, 2017
Table 6-4: Type of Cameras Prevalent in Middle East Electronic Security Market
Table 6-5: Types of Access Control System Prevalent in Middle East Electronic Security Market
Table 6-6: Types of Intruder Detection Systems Prevalent in Middle East
Table 6-7: Middle East Restricted Entry Market Segments by Revenue, 2017
Table 6-8: Middle East Electronic Security Market Segmentation by Region by Revenue, 2017
Table 7-1: Competitive Scenario of System Integrator Market of Middle East Electronic Security Market, 2017
Table 7-2: Company Profile of Group Five Including Company Overview, Number of Employees, Business Strategy, Key Customer Sector, Suppliers and Products.
Table 7-3: Major Suppliers of G4S Security in Middle East
Table 7-4: Company Profile of G4S Security including Overview, Number of Employees, Business Strategy, Key Customer Sectors, Products and major Suppliers.
Table 7-5: Company Profile of SeedIS Including Overview, Number of Employees, Services, Top Management, Business Strategy and Products.
Table 7-6: Company Profile of Specialized Security Service (SSS) Including Overview, Number of Employees, Services, Business Strategy and Product Portfolio.
Table 7-7: Company Profile of Honeywell including Overview, Key Customer Sector, Number of Employees, Revenue, Business Strategy, Top Management, Product Portfolio.
Table 7-8: Technological Partnership of HIK Vision
Table 7-9: Company Profile of HIK Vision Including Company Overview, USP, Business Strategy, Number of Employees, Products, Operation in Middle East, Ker Service Sector, Technological Partners
Table 7-10: Company Profile of Hanwha Techwin Including Company Overview, USP, Business Strategy, Number of Employees, Major Projects, Product Portfolio, and Key Service Sector
Table 7-11: Company Profile of Pelco including Company Overview, Business Strategy, USP, Distribution Partners, Key Service Sector, Product Portfolio, Service centres, Value Added Services
Table 7-12: Company Profile of Bosch Including Company Overview, USP, Business Strategy, Distributors, Geographical Presence, Number of Employees, Products, Major projects
Table 7-13: Bosch Product Portfolio for Electronic Security Equipment
Table 7-14: Quarterly Result of Axis Communication in EMEA Region ( USD Million), 2015-17
Table 7-15: Axis Communication's Distributors in Middle East
Table 7-16: Company profile including Company Overview, Business Strategy, USP, Revenue, Number of Employees, Key service Sectors, Product Portfolio
Table 7-17: Heat Map of Leading Manufacturers in Surveillance and Monitoring Market, 2017
Table 7-18: Heat Map of Leading Manufacturers in Middle East Restricted Entry System
Table 8-1: Vendor Selection Process for Electronic Security Equipment Installation
Table 8-2: Major Smart City Projects in Middle East
Table 8-3: Major Car Parking Projects in GCC Countries
Table 8-4: Regulatory Bodies in Middle East Electronic Security Market
Table 9-1: Case Study to Understand the Cost and Usage of Security System Installation in a Mall in Middle East.
Table 10-1: List of Major Upcoming Construction Projects in Qatar, 2017
Table 10-2: Qatar Electronic Security Market Segmentation by Type of Surveillance and Monitoring System by Revenue, 2017-2022
Table 10-3: List of Major Upcoming Construction Projects in Kuwait, 2017
Table 10-4: New Commercial and Residential Buildings Constructed in UAE, 2017.
Table 10-5: UAE Monitoring and Surveillance Market by Revenue, 2017 and 2022
Table 10-6: Major Under Construction Projects In UAE
Table 10-7: Turkey Monitoring and Surveillance Market by Revenue, 2017 and 2022
Table 10-8: Performance and Targets of Major Sectors Affecting Electronic Security Market Demand in Turkey, 2017
Table 11-1: Middle East Electronic Security Future Market Segmentation by Electronic Security Type in USD Million, 2017-2022
Table 11-2: Middle East Monitoring and Surveillance Future Market Segmentation by Type by Revenue, 2017-2022
Table 11-3: Middle East Restricted Entry System Future Market Segmentation by Type by Revenue, 2017-2022
Table 11-4: Middle East Electronic Security Future Market Segmentation by Region by Revenue, 2017-2022
Table 11-5: Upcoming Government Projects in UAE
Table 11-6: Economic Growth of Middle Eastern Countries in Percentage, 2015-2020

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