Turkey Cold Chain Market Outlook to 2022

By Cold Storage and Transport, by Product Type (Bakery, Confectionary, Dairy, Meat & Sea Food, Vaccines & Pharmaceutical, Fruits & Vegetables, Chemicals)



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January 2018

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The report titled "Turkey Cold Chain Market by Cold Storage and Transport, by Product Type (Bakery, Confectionary, Dairy, Meat & Sea Food, Vaccines & Pharmaceutical, Fruits & Vegetables, Chemicals) - Outlook to 2022" which provides a comprehensive analysis of cold chain market in Turkey.

Turkey Cold Chain Market

The report covers market size, segmentation on the basis of cold storage and cold transport and industries. The report also covers market in different aspects such as supply chain analysis, competitive landscape and company profiles for major players in Turkey cold chain market. The report provides detailed overview on future outlook & projections with analyst recommendations for the industry.

The report facilitate the readers with the identification and in-depth analysis of the existing trends prevalent in the industry and anticipated growth in the future depending upon changing industry dynamics in coming years. The report is useful for cold chain companies and other stakeholders to align their market centric strategies according to ongoing and expected trends in the future.

Market Overview: Turkey cold chain market is in its nascent stages. The market has been divided into two segments; cold storage market and cold transport market. Turkey's cold chain market revenues has increased from USD ~ million in 2011 to USD ~ million in 2017 with a CAGR of ~% during this period. This has been primarily due to significant increase in production and consumption in the food and beverage sector of Turkey, which is a resultant of the increased purchasing power of the country's population. Progressive measures taken by the government have resulted in augmentation of production and consumption in many sectors which are heavily dependants on the cold chain industry.

Turkey Cold Chain Market Segmentation

By Cold Storage and Cold Transport: The cold transportation segment held the major share of the market and was about ~% of the total cold chain market in terms of total market revenue in 2017. The cold storage industry contributed around ~% of the total revenue in 2017. Consumption of fresh food is dominant in Turkey in comparison to frozen food. Owing to this trend, supermarkets, retail outlets, restaurants etc. require their stocks of temperature sensitive products to be to be fresh, not stored in cold storage for a long time and regularly delivered. This is one of the main reasons that the cold transport contributes more revenue to the market in comparison to cold storage.

Turkey Cold Transport Market: The cold transport market in Turkey in terms of revenue has increased from USD ~ million in 2011 to USD ~ million in 2017. However, the overall share of cold transport market in the cold chain market has declined from ~% in 2011 to ~% in 2017. There has been a rise in ‘just in time' inventory systems utilized by various companies to meet the high demand of different products such as meat, fisheries and agricultural products over the period 2011-2017.

Turkey Cold Transport Market Segmentation: In Turkey, the cold transport industry is dominated by land transport. In 2017, land transport constituted around ~% of the total revenue of the cold chain transport market in Turkey. Air and sea cold chain transport constituted ~% and ~ % respectively to the total revenue of the cold transport market revenue of Turkey in 2017.
Normal delivery dominated the market in 2017 by generating around ~% of the revenue of the cold transport market. The rest ~% of the revenue of the cold transport market in 2017 was generated by express deliveries.
In 2017, ~% of the revenue of the cold transport market was generated by fleet which was owned by the companies and the rest ~% of the revenue was generated by rented fleet from third party logistics service providers.
Domestic cold transport dominated the overall market in 2017 by generating ~% of the total revenue of the cold transport market. Whereas revenue generated by international cold transport constituted around ~% of the market in 2017.

Future Potential of Turkey Cold Transport Market: The revenue of the market is expected to grow from USD ~ million in 2018 to USD ~ million in 2022 at a CAGR of ~%. Development of transport infrastructure in the country is expected to significantly augment the cold transport market. Growth in revenues is also expected to surge because of the increasing number of food service establishments, supermarkets and small stores that require cold transport services in the country.

Turkey Cold Storage Market: Share of cold storage in the revenues of cold chain market has inclined from ~% in 2011 to ~% in 2017 with the increase in number of cold storage warehouses from around ~ in 2011 to around ~ in 2017. The overall revenue of the cold storage market has increased from USD ~ million in 2011 to USD ~ million in 2017.

Turkey Cold Storage Market Segmentation: In 2017, large cold storage warehouses contributed around ~%, medium contributed around ~% and small ware houses contributed around ~% of the total revenue of the cold storage market.

In 2017, of the total revenue generated by the cold storage facilities in Turkey, ~% (USD ~ million) was generated by owned cold storage warehouses and the rest ~% (USD ~ million) was generated by rented cold storage facilities from third party logistics service providers.
In terms of conventional and modern warehouses (warehouses that use the latest technology), in 2017 the cold storage industry in Turkey had around ~ warehouses that were based on conventional technology and the rest ~ were based on the latest technology.

Future Potential of Turkey Cold Storage Market: Turkey cold storage warehousing market has been projected to augment from USD ~ million in 2018 to USD ~ million in 2022 at a CAGR of ~%. It is expected that several new cold chain warehousing facilities will be established in Turkey over the period 2018-2022. This is likely to provide significant support to the cold chain warehousing market of Turkey throughout the forecasted period 2018-2022. Furthermore, growing consumer demand for processed frozen food rather than consumption of fresh products has also been anticipated to provide ample support to the cold storage warehousing market of Turkey over the period 2018-2022.

Positioning of Major Players in Turkey Cold Chain Market: The industry has a handful of players and is largely dominated by organized companies that have presence in other countries as well. The companies which have made a foothold in the Turkish cold chain market are Polar Express, Havi Logistics, Yusen Logistics, Emran Logistics and others. These companies compete on the basis of price, on time delivery, number of temperature controlled vehicles available and cold storage warehouses, penetration of services into rural areas and the range of products for which storage and transportation operations can be provided. There also exist a number of third party logistic service providers which mainly rent their warehouses and land transportation fleet to the major players of the market.

Future Potential of Turkey Cold Chain Market: The future prospects of the cold chain logistics industry in Turkey look quite promising. The growth of the Turkey cold chain logistics market is expected to accelerate over the forecasted period 2018- 2022 owing to the growth in consumption of frozen food products, bakery, confectionary and dairy products followed by meat and sea food. The cold chain market is expected to grow from USD ~ million in 2018 to USD ~ million in 2022 at a CAGR of ~%.

Key Topics Covered in the Report:

  • Comparative Analysis of Turkey Cold Chain Logistics Market with Asia Pacific Cold Chain Logistics
  • Turkey Logistics Infrastructure
  • Supply Chain Analysis in Turkey Cold Chain Market
  • Turkey Cold Chain Market Overview and Genesis
  • Turkey Cold Chain Market Size
  • Turkey Cold Chain Market Segmentation
  • Trends and Developments in Cold Chain Market
  • SWOT Analysis of Turkey Cold Chain Market
  • Competitive Landscape of Major Players in Turkey Cold Chain Market
  • Snapshot on Turkey Third Party Logistics
  • Industry Norms and Regulations
  • Turkey Cold Chain Market Future Outlook and Projections
  • Analyst Recommendation for Turkey Cold Chain Market
  • Macroeconomic Factors affecting Turkey Cold Chain Market



  • PolarExpress,
  • Yusen Logistics Turkey,
  • Havi Logistics,
  • Ekol Turkey,
  • EMD,
  • Emran Logistics

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary

Present Market Dynamics
Market Segmentation of Turkey Cold Chain Industry
Cold Transport Market
Cold Storage Market
Positioning of Major Players in Turkey Cold Chain Market
Future Potential of Turkey Cold Chain Market

2. Research Methodology

2.1. Market Definitions
2.2. Abbreviations
2.3. Market Size and Modeling
General Approach-Market Sizing
Variable (Dependant and Independent)
Multi Factor Based Sensitivity Model
Final Conclusion

3. Comparative Analysis of Turkey Cold Chain Logistics Market With Asia Pacific Cold Chain Market, 2011-2016

4. Logistics Infrastructure in Turkey Cold Chain Market

Road Network


5. Supply Chain Analysis of Turkey Cold Chain Market

Cold Transport from Manufacturer to Cold Storage Centre
Cold Storage at Storage Centre
Cold Transport from Cold Storage Warehouse to Cold Storage distribution Centre/ Customer
Cold Transport from Distribution Centre to the Retailers / Supermarkets /Restaurants and End User of the Product

6. Turkey Cold Chain Industry Genesis and Overview

7. Turkey Cold Chain Market

7.1. Turkey Cold Chain Market Size By Revenues, 2011-2017(P)
7.2. Turkey Cold Chain Market Segmentation
7.2.1. By Cold Storage and Cold Transport, 2011-2017(P)
7.2.2. By Product Type (Bakery, Confectionary, Dairy, Meat & Sea Food, Vaccines & Pharmaceutical, Fruits & Vegetables, Chemicals), 2017(P)

8. Turkey Cold Storage Market

8.1. Turkey Cold Storage Market Size by Revenue, 2011-2017
8.2. Turkey Cold Storage Market Segmentation
8.2.1. By Size of Warehouse, 2017(P)
8.2.2. Turkey Cold Storage Market Segmentation, By Owned or Rented, 2017(P)
8.2.3. By Type of Cold Storage Facility (Conventional and Modern), 2017(P)
8.3. Turkey Cold Storage Market Future Outlook and Projections, 2018-2022

9. Turkey Cold Transport Market

9.1. Turkey Cold Transport Market Size By Revenues, 2011-2017(P)
9.2. Turkey Cold Transport Market Segmentation
9.2.1. Turkey Cold Transport Market Segmentation, By Modes of Transportation, 2017(P)
9.2.2. By Delivery Type (Normal and Express Delivery), 2017(P)
9.2.3. Turkey Cold Transport Market Segmentation, By Owned and Rented Transport Facilities, 2017
9.2.4. Turkey Cold Transport Market Segmentation, By Domestic and International, 2017(P)
9.3. Turkey Cold Transport Market Future Outlook and Projections, 2018-2022

10. Snapshot on Turkey Third Party Cold Chain Logistics Market

11. Agreement Process of a Cold Storage Warehouse in Turkey

12. Growth Drivers, Trends, Issues and Recent Developments in Turkey Cold Chain Market

12.1. Changing Consumer Habits and Growing Demand for Frozen Food
12.2. Increasing Popularity of Internet of Things in the Cold Chain Industry
12.3. Emergence of E- Commerce
12.4. Gradual Growth of Value Added Services Providers
12.5. Lack of Infrastructure
12.6. Political Tension Between Turkey and Russia

13. SWOT Analysis of Turkey Cold Chain Market

14. Government Role and Regulations in Turkey Cold Chain Market

15. Competitive Landscape of Turkey Cold Chain Market

15.1. Competitive Scenario of Major Players
15.2. Company Profiles of Major Players in Turkey Cold Chain Market
Polar Express
Yusen Logistics
Havi Logistics

16. Turkey Cold Chain Market Future Outlook and Projections, 2018-2022

16.1. By Product Type (Bakery, Confectionary, Dairy, Meat & Sea Food, Vaccines & Pharmaceutical, Fruits & Vegetables, Chemicals), 2022

17. Analyst Recommendations

18. Macroeconomic Factors in Turkey Cold Chain Market

18.1. Confectionary Market in Turkey, 2011-2022
18.2. Dairy Food Market in Turkey, 2011-2022
18.3. Ice Cream and Frozen Dessert Market, 2011-2022
18.4. Consumption of Fish and Seafood in Turkey, 2011-2022


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List of Figure

Figure 1-1: Flow Chart for Turkey Cold Chain Market, 2017
Figure 3-1: Comparison of Turkey Cold Chain Market Size with China, Australia and Indonesia on the Basis of Revenue in USD Billion, 2017
Figure 5-1: Supply Chain Analysis of Cold Chain Market in Turkey
Figure 7-1: Turkey Cold Chain Market Size on the Basis of Revenue in USD Million, 2011-2017(P)
Figure 7-2: Turkey Cold Chain Market Segmentation by Cold Storage and Cold Transport on the Basis of Revenue in Percentage (%), 2011-2017(P)
Figure 7-3: Turkey Cold Chain Market Segmentation by Product Type on the Basis of Revenue in Percentage (%), 2017(P)
Figure 8-1: Turkey Cold Storage Market Size on the Basis of Revenue in USD Million, 2011-2017(P)
Figure 8-2 Turkey Cold Storage Market Size on the Basis of Warehousing Capacity in Terms of Number of Pallets in Units, 2011-2016
Figure 8-3: Turkey Cold Storage Market Size on the Basis of Number of Cold Storage Warehouses in Units, 2011-2016
Figure 8-4: Turkey Cold Storage Market Size on the Basis of Total Cold Storage Capacity in Million SQM (square meter), 2014-2016
Figure 8-5: Turkey Cold Storage Market Segmentation by Size of Firm on the Basis of Revenue in Percentage (%), 2017(P)
Figure 8-6: Turkey Cold Storage Market Segmentation by Owned and Rented on the Basis of Revenue in Percentage (%), 2017(P)
Figure 8-7: Turkey Cold Storage Market Segmentation by Type of Cold Storage Facility, Conventional and Modern on the Basis of Revenue in Percentage (%), 2017(P)
Figure 8-8: Turkey Cold Storage Market Segmentation by Type of Cold Storage Facility on the Basis of Number of Cold Storage Facilities in Percentage (%), 2017(P)
Figure 8-9: Turkey Cold Storage Future Projections on the Basis of Revenue in USD Millions, 2018-2022
Figure 9-1: Turkey Cold Transportation Market Size on the Basis of Revenue in USD Million and Growth Rate in Percentage (%), 2011-2017(P)
Figure 9-2: Turkey Cold Transport Market Segmentation by Modes of Transportation; Land, Sea and Air on the Basis of Revenue in Percentage (%), 2017(P)
Figure 9-3: Turkey Cold Chain Market Segmentation by Delivery Type on the Basis of Revenue in Percentage (%), 2017(P)
Figure 9-4: Turkey Cold Transport Market Segmentation by Type of Ownership of Fleet on the Basis of Revenue in Percentage (%), 2017(P)
Figure 9-5: Turkey Cold Transport Market Segmentation by Domestic and International on the Basis of Revenue in Percentage (%), 2017(P)
Figure 9-6: Turkey Cold Transport Future Projections on the Basis of Revenue in USD Million, 2018-2022
Figure 10-1: Turkey 3PL Services Market Segmentation by Cold Transport and Cold Storage on the Basis of Revenue in Percentage (%), 2017(P)
Figure 10-2: Services Offered By Third Party Logistics Companies in Turkey
Figure 12-1: Turkey Frozen Food Market Size by Revenue in USD Million, 2011-2017
Figure 16-1: Turkey Cold Chain Market Future Projections on the Basis of Revenue in USD Million, 2018-2022
Figure 16-2: Turkey Cold Chain Market Segmentation by Cold Storage and Cold Transport on the Basis of Revenue in Percentage (%), 2018-2022
Figure 16-3: Turkey Cold Chain Market Future Outlook and Projections by Product Type (Bakery, Confectionary, Dairy, Meat & Sea Food, Vaccines & Pharmaceutical, Fruits & Vegetables, Chemicals) on the Basis of Revenue in Percentage (%), 2022
Figure 18-1: Revenue of Confectionary Market in Turkey in USD Millions, 2011-2022
Figure 18-2: Revenue of Dairy Food Market in Turkey in USD Millions, 2011-2022
Figure 18-3: Revenue of Ice Cream and Frozen Dessert Market in Turkey in USD Millions, 2011-2022
Figure 18-4: Consumption of Fish and Seafood in Turkey in Thousand Tonnes, 2011-2022

List of Table

Table 2-1: Correlation Matrix for Turkey Cold Chain Market
Table 2-2: Regression Coefficient Output for Turkey Cold Chain Market
Table 3-1: Comparative Analysis of Turkey Cold Chain Market with Australia, China, India, Indonesia and Philippines Cold Chain Market, 2011-2016
Table 3-2: Quality of Infrastructure Global Ranking, 2016-2017
Table 3-3: Cross Comparison of Turkey Cold Chain Market with Asia Pacific Cold Chain Market on the Basis of Market Size, CAGR (2011-2017), Major Companies and Growth Potential
Table 4-1: Turkey Infrastructure Parameters based on Global Competitiveness Report considering 138 Countries, 2016-2017
Table 5-1: Value Chain for Turkey Cold Chain Market
Table 6-1: Overview and Genesis Turkey Cold Chain Market Including Introduction, Competition, Growth Factors, Scope and Challenges
Table 7-1: Turkey Cold Chain Market Size on the Basis of Revenue in USD Million, 2011-2017(P)
Table 7-2: Turkey Cold Chain Market Segmentation by Cold Storage and Cold Transport on the Basis of Revenue in USD Million, 2011-2017(P)
Table 7-3: Turkey Cold Chain Market Segmentation by Cold Storage and Cold Transport on the Basis of Revenue in USD Million, 2011-2017
Table 7-4: Turkey Cold Chain Market Segmentation by Product Type (Bakery, Confectionary, Dairy, Meat & Sea Food, Vaccines & Pharmaceutical, Fruits & Vegetables, Chemicals) on the Basis of Revenue in USD Million, 2017(P)
Table 7-5: Turkey Industries (Meat and Seafood, Pharmaceutical, Fruits and Vegetables and Bakery) Details on Parameters including Market Size and Growth, Product imported or domestically made, Service and Temperature Requirement
Table 8-1: Turkey Cold Storage Market Size on the Basis of Revenue in USD Million, 2011-2017(P)
Table 8-2: Turkey Cold Storage Market Segmentation by Size of Warehouse on the Basis of Revenue in USD Million, 2017(P)
Table 8-3: Turkey Cold Storage Market Segmentation by Owned and Rented Warehouse on the Basis of Revenue in USD Million, 2017(P)
Table 8-4: Turkey Cold Storage Market Segmentation by Type of Cold Storage Facility (Conventional and Modern) on the Basis of Revenue in USD Million, 2017(P)
Table 8-5: Turkey Cold Storage Market Segmentation by Type of Cold Storage Facility on the Basis of Number of Cold Storage Facilities, 2017(P)
Table 8-6: Turkey Cold Storage Market Future Projections on the Basis of Revenue in USD Million, 2018-2022
Table 9-1: Turkey Cold Transport Market Size on the Basis of Revenue in USD Million, 2011-2017(P)
Table 9-2: Turkey Cold Transport Market Segmentation by Modes of Transportation (Land, Sea and Air) on the Basis of Revenue in USD Million, 2017(P)
Table 9-3: Turkey Cold Chain Market Segmentation by Delivery Type on the Basis of Revenue in USD Million, 2017(P)
Table 9-4: Turkey Cold Transport Market Segmentation by Owned and Rented on the Basis of Revenue in USD Millions, 2017(P)
Table 9-5: Turkey Cold Transport Market Segmentation by Domestic and International on the Basis of Revenue in USD Millions, 2017(P)
Table 9-6: Turkey Import Export Data of Major Products That Require Cold Transport Services on the Basis of Revenue in Terms of Thousand USD, 2016
Table 9-7: Turkey Cold Transport Market Future Outlook on the Basis of Revenues, 2018-2022
Table 10-1: Snapshot of Turkey Third Party Logistics Market
Table 10-2: Turkey 3PL Services Market Segmentation by Cold Transport and Cold Storage on the Basis of Revenue in USD Million, 2017(P)
Table 11-1: Agreement Process between a Producer and the Cold Chain Company
Table 13-1: SWOT Analysis of Turkey Cold Chain Market
Table 14-1: Government Rules and Regulations Affecting Turkey Cold Chain Market
Table 14-2: List of Free Zones in Turkey with Year of Establishment
Table 14-3: Region Wise Distribution of Different Provinces
Table 14-4: Tax Deduction in Regional Investment Incentive Scheme
Table 14-5: Tax Deduction in Large Scale Investment Incentive Scheme
Table 14-6: Investment Incentive System for Different Support Measures in Turkey, 2017
Table 15-1: Parameters for companies competing in cold chain industry in Turkey
Table 15-2: Company Profile of Polar Express Including Overview, USP, Number of Warehouses, Warehousing Space, Number of Pallets, Cold Transport Fleet, Value Added Services, Revenue and Other Parameters
Table 15-3: PolarXP City Wise Number of Cold Storage Warehouses, Area in sqm and Number of Pallets
Table 15-4: Company Profile of Yusen Logistics Including Overview, USP, Different Services Provided by the Company, Number of Cold Storage Warehouses, Number of Pallets, Cold Transport Fleet, Revenue, Value Added Services and other Parameters
Table 15-5: Company Profile of Havi Logistics Including Overview, USP, Number of Warehouses, Number of Pallets, Major Services, Value Added Services, Cold Transport Fleet and Revenue
Table 15 6: Profile of Other Major Players (Ekol Turkey, EMD, Emran Logistics) in Turkey Cold Chain Market
Table 16-1: Turkey Cold Chain Market Future Outlook and Projections on the Basis of Revenue in USD Million, 2018-2022
Table 16-2: Turkey Cold Chain Market Future Outlook and Projections by Product Type (Bakery, Confectionary, Dairy, Meat & Sea Food, Vaccines & Pharmaceutical, Fruits & Vegetables, Chemicals) on the Basis of Revenue in USD Million, 2022
Table 17-1: Analyst Recommendations for Turkey Cold Chain Market
Table 18-1: Rationale and Description for Confectionary Market in Turkey in USD Millions, 2011-2022
Table 18-2: Rationale and Description for Dairy Food Market in Turkey in USD Millions, 2011-2022
Table 18-3: Rationale and Description for Ice Cream and Frozen Dessert Market in Turkey in USD Millions, 2011-2022
Table 18-4: Rationale and Description for Consumption of Fish and Seafood in Turkey in Thousand Tonnes, 2011-2022

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