US Seed Market Outlook to 2023

By Type of Seed (Corn, Soybean, Cotton, Wheat, Sorghum, and Vegetables) and By Technology (GM/GE/Hybrid and Open Pollinated)

Region:North America


Product Code:KR802

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May 2019

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The report titled "US Seed Market Outlook to 2023 - By Type of Seed (Corn, Soybean, Cotton, Wheat, Sorghum, and Vegetables) and By Technology (GM/GE/Hybrid and Open Pollinated)" provides a comprehensive analysis of the seeds market in the US. The report covers the overall market size in terms of revenue, segmentations on the basis of crop, type of seed, geographical region, trends and developments, regulations for patents in the US, mergers and acquisitions, US farm structure and ownership structure, mechanization in the US agriculture, organic farming sector, land under cultivation and production of various crops, competitive scenario and company profiles.
The report concludes with market projection for future analyst recommendations highlighting the major opportunities and cautions for the US seeds market. US seed market is among the most developed in the world and is in the matured stage. Technological advancement and genetic modification are the key drivers for the demand of commercial seeds in the US market.

US Seed Market

Corn: In 2018, total corn planted area in the US showed a decline when compared with the planted the area year 2017. Farmers have decreased corn acreage by adjusting crop rotations between corn and soybeans, which has caused corn plantings to decrease. The trade differences between China and the US have impacted both the plantation and production of corn in the country. The US Corn Seed Market’s quantity of production and consumption depends on genetics, changes in weather patterns, land limitations, politics and global market demand. The US Corn seed market recorded growth during 2018 due to rise in prices of seed. The higher growth rate of the Corn seed segment can be attributed to the increasing demand of superior quality seeds to feed the expanding population of the country. Corn production is expected to increase by the year 2023. Lower corn prices and increasing corn production suggest that more corn will be used for feed and residual use. Fuel and increasing meat production have driven the demand for corn in the US and global market.

In year 2018, total soybean showed a decline with a negative growth when compared with the planted area in year 2017. Illinois ranked first in the maximum soybean plantation followed by Iowa. US production declined for soybean seeds in year 2018 when compared to 2017. Total seed production is impacted directly with the decline in the planted acres over the years. States like North Carolina got two hurricanes and other states are affected due to heavy rain after soybeans hit maturity. A decline in year 2018 was observed as China has shifted soybean orders to South America after the issue of price effect post July 2018. The prices of Soybean are increasing and the higher producer returns provide incentives to increase plantings, and producers are expected to plant large number acres by the year 2023. Rising domestic use and export demand support a continuation of a large soybean area. This will eventually result in increased demand for soybean seeds.

The US cotton seed market had an increasing growth in year 2018. Cotton production showed a negative growth rate when compared with 2017. Texas is the leading cotton-producing state followed by California, Arkansas, Georgia, Mississippi and Louisiana. Domestic mill use which increases the demand for the cotton seed is expected to slowly grow over the forecast period while exports are projected to increase in the coming years. More than 99 % of the cotton grown in the US is of the Upland variety, with the rest being American Pima.

Other Crops:
The US Sorghum seed segment recorded an increased growth rate in year 2018. Significant demands from dairy, meat and poultry industries are creating unique marketing opportunities for the sorghum growers.
Overall wheat seed use in year 2018 increased from the previous year. No GM wheat seeds have been commercialized until now although Monsanto and Syngenta are undergoing field trials for GM wheat.
In 2018, rice producers planted hybrid seed on about 20%-25% percent of U.S. land for rice cultivation. Arkansas is the largest area by rice crop plantation.
South Dakota produces the most oats in the US followed by North Dakota and Wisconsin. U.S oats production will have an increased growth rate by 2023.
The Fruit and Vegetable Seed Market is at rapid growth stage in year 2018. It is observed that the quality of seed accounts for approximately 25-30% of the total productivity and hence there is huge demand for branded seeds. The growing demand for vegetables and an increased production capacity of vegetable industry are driving the market growth in the US. The total farm value of fruit, nuts, and vegetable production is projected to grow annually over the coming.

US Seed industry is expected to register an increased CAGR in upcoming years. Huge consolidation in the market has reduced the number of major players in the US Seed market to less than five. In future, it is less likely that more consolidation may happen among the existing top players. Many new traits and seed varieties are under development and are expected to be launched in the next five years. Demand for organic and non GMO seeds are expected to rise and being sold at premium considering the rising demand for organic vegetables and other food products. Organic acreage is increasing in most areas of the US, while transitioning to organic corn and soybean. The rate of demand for commercial seeds is growing rapidly due to mechanization and adoption of various other agricultural practices and technological improvements such as use of drones and sensors for seed planting and monitoring, use of robotics for seed R&D and various other uses, upcoming culture of urban farming, hydroponics and the use of IoT (Internet of Things) in the agricultural based activities.

Key Topics Covered in the Report

  • Executive Summary
  • Research Methodology
  • Historical Overview
  • Land Under Cultivation and Production of Various Crops, 2017 and 2018
  • Irrigated and Non Irrigated land
  • US Farm Structure and Ownership Structure
  • Mechanization in The US Agriculture
  • Value Chain in the US Seed Market
  • Regulatory Scenario in United States Seed Market for Patent Approval
  • Cropping Pattern in the US Grain and Vegetables
  • USA Seed Market Overview and Size, 2013-2018
  • US Corn Seed Market, 2013-2023
  • US Cotton Seed Market, 2013-2023
  • US Soybean Seed Market, 2013-2023
  • US Wheat Seed Market, 2013-2023
  • US Sorghum Seed Market, 2013-2023
  • US Rice Seed Market Snapshot
  • US Oats Seed market Snapshot
  • US Fruits and Vegetable Seed Market Snapshot
  • Market Share and Company Profile of Major Players, 2018
  • Mergers and Acquisitions in US Seed Industry
  • List of Small Seed Companies in the US Seed Industry
  • Trends and Developments in USA Seed Market
  • SWOT Analysis
  • Rising Organic Farming Sector
  • Future Projection to the US Seed Market, 2018-2023
  • Analyst Recommendation



  • Bayer Group (Monsanto Company),
  • Dow DuPont Inc.,
  • Syngenta Seeds,
  • LLC,
  • Agreliant Genetics,
  • LLC

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary 11

2. Research Methodology 12

2.1. Definitions 12
2.2. Abbreviations 13
2.3. Market Size and Modeling 14

Consolidated Research Approach 14
Market Size 14
Variables (Dependent and Independent) 15
Multi Factor Based Sensitivity Model 15
Final Conclusion 16

3. Historical Overview 18

3.1. Land Under Cultivation and Production of Various Crops, 2017 and 2018 21
3.2. Irrigated and Non Irrigated land 24
3.3. US Farm Structure and Ownership Structure 27

3.3.1. Overview 27
3.3.2. Basis of Farm Classification 28

Small Family Farms 28
Midsize Family Farms 29
Large Scale Family Farms 30
Non Family Farms 30

4. Mechanization in The US Agriculture 32

5. Value Chain in the US Seed Market 34

5.1. Manufacturers 34
5.2. Government (Department of Agriculture) 34
5.3. Distributors/Wholesalers/ Retailers 34
5.4. Customers 35
5.5. Production Process 35

6. Regulatory Scenario in United States Seed Market for Patent Approval 37

Cropping Pattern in the US Grain and Vegetables 41

7. USA Seed Market Overview and Size, 2013-2018 45

8. Major Crops Produced in the US 48

8.1. Soybean 48

Overview 48
Soybean Planted Area, Production and International Trade, 2013-2018 48
Seed Demand, Sales Volume and Revenue, 2013-2018 53
Genetic Modification and Developments for Soybean Seeds, 2013-2018 55
Market Share of Major Soybean Seed Producers By Revenue at Manufacturers’ Price, 2018 56
Productivity by States, 2013-2018 57
Future Projections, 2018-2023 59

8.2. Corn 61

Overview 61
Corn Planted Area, Production and International Trade, 2013-2018 61
Seed Demand, Sales Volume and Revenue, 2013-2018 68
Genetic Modification and Developments for Corn Seeds, 2013-2018 69
Technological Advancement 70
Market Share of Major Corn Seed Producers By Revenue at Manufacturers’ Price, 2018 71
Productivity by States, 2013-2018 73
Future Projections 74

8.3. Cotton 77

Overview 77
Cotton Planted Area, Production and International Trade, 2013-2018 78
Seed Demand, Sales Volume and Revenue, 2013-2018 83
Genetic Modification and Developments for Cotton Seed, 2013-2018 83
Market Share of Major Cotton Seed Producers By Revenue at Manufacturers’ Price, 2018 84
Productivity by States, 2013-2018 87
Future Projections, 2018-2023 89

8.4. Sorghum 91

Overview 91
Sorghum Planted Area, Production and International Trade, 2013-2018 91
Sorghum Seed Revenue, 2013-2018 95
Growth Drivers, Issues and Challenges 96
Technological Advancement 97
Productivity by States, 2013-2018 98
Future Projection, 2018-2023 98

8.5. Wheat 100

Overview 100
Wheat Planted Area, Production and International Trade, 2013-2018 101
Seed Demand, Sales Volume and Revenue, 2013-2018 103
Growth Drivers 104
Productivity by States, 2013-2018 105
Future Projection, 2018-2023 109

8.6. Rice 112

Overview 112
Rice Planted Area, Production and International Trade, 2013-2018 112
Technological Advancement 117
Productivity by States, 2013-2018 118
Competition in Rice Seed Industry 119
Future Outlook 119

8.7. Oats 121

Overview 121
Oats Planted Area, Production and International Trade, 2013-2018 121
Seed Statistics 123
Future Outlook 123

8.8. Vegetable Seeds 125

Overview 125
Vegetable Planted Area and Production by State, 2013-2018 125
Technological Advancement 129
Competition in Fruits and Vegetable Seed Market 130
Future Outlook, 2018-2023 132

9. Trends and Developments in USA Seed Market 134

9.1. Rising Utilization of Big Data for Farm Improvements 134
9.2. Combining Biotech and Agriculture Technology 134
9.3. Rising Penetration of Hydroponics Farming 134
9.4. Surge in Rooftop and Urban Farming 135
9.5. Drones and Crop Monitoring 135
9.6. IoT and Sensors in the Field and Equipments 135
9.7. Farming and Robotics 136
9.8. Machine Learning and Analytics 136
9.9. Consolidation of Large Suppliers 136
9.10. Increased Consumer Demand 137

10. Mergers and Acquisitions in US Seed Industry 138

11. SWOT Analysis 141

12. Rising Organic Farming Sector 142

13. Cross Comparison of Bayer, DowDupont, Agreliant and Syngenta by Revenue, Crops by Traits and R&D Expenditure, 2018 144

List of Small Organic, Non GMO and Heirloom Seed Companies 146

14. Company Profile 152

14.1. Bayer Group (Monsanto) 152
14.2. Dow DuPont Inc. 156
14.3. Syngenta Seeds, LLC 158
14.4. Agreliant Genetics, LLC 160

15. The US Seed Market Future Outlook and Projections, 2018-2023 163

15.1. US Seed Market Segmentation by GM/GE/Hybrid and Open Pollinated Seed, 2018- 2023 165

16. Analyst Recommendation 166


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List of Figure

Figure 5-1: Value Chain Analysis of the United States Seed Industry
Figure 6-1: Phases in Development of Genetically Modified Seed in the US
Figure 7-1: US Seed Industry Revenue at Retail Price in USD Billion and Growth Rate in Percentage, 2013-2018
Figure 8-1: US Soybean Crop by Planted Area in Thousand Acres, 2013-2018
Figure 8-2: US Soybean Production by Volume in Million Bushels, 2013-2018
Figure 8-3: US Soybean Seeds Demand by Volume in Million Bushels, 2013-2018
Figure 8-4: US Soybean Seed Industry Revenue in USD Million and Growth Rate in Percentage, 2013-2018
Figure 8-5: Market Share of Major Soybean Seed Producers in the US Soybean Seed Market by Revenue, 2018P
Figure 8-6: The US Soybean Seed Forecasted Industry Revenue in USD Million, 2018-2023
Figure 8-7: The US Soybean Seed Forecasted Volume Sales in Million Bushels, 2018-2023
Figure 8-8: US Corn Crop by Planted Area in Thousand Acres, 2013-2018
Figure 8-9: US Corn Production by Volume in Billion Bushels, 2013-2018
Figure 8-10: US Corn Seeds Market on the Basis of Revenue at Retail Price in USD Million, 2013-2018
Figure 8-11: Market Share of Major Corn Seed Producers in the US Corn Seed Market, 2018P
Figure 8-12: Future Projection for the US Corn Seed Market on the Basis of Revenue in USD Million and Growth Rate in Percentage, 2018-2023
Figure 8-13: Future Projection for the US Corn Seed Market on the Basis of Volume Sales in Million Bushels and Growth Rate in Percentage, 2018-2023
Figure 8-14: US Cotton Plantation by Area in Million Acres, 2013-2018
Figure 8-15: US Cotton Seed Production in Thousand Tons, 2013-2018
Figure 8-16: US Cotton Seeds Market on the Basis of Revenue at Retail Price in USD Million and Growth Rate in Percentage, 2013-2018
Figure 8-17: Market Share of Major Players in US Cotton Seed Market, 2018P
Figure 8-18: Future Projection for US Cotton Seed Market on the Basis of Revenue at Retail Price and Growth Rate in Percentage, 2018-2023
Figure 8-19: US Sorghum Plantation by Area in Million Acres, 2013-2018
Figure 8-20: US Sorghum Production in Million Bushels, 2013-2018
Figure 8-21: US Sorghum Seed Market on the Basis of Revenue in USD Million, 2013-2018
Figure 8-22: Future Projection for the US Sorghum Seed Market in USD Million, 2018-2023
Figure 8-23: US Wheat Plantation by Area in Million Acres, 2013-2018
Figure 8-24: US Wheat Production on the Basis of Volume in Million Bushels, 2013-2018
Figure 8-25: US Wheat Seed Market on the Basis of Revenue at Retail Price in USD Million and Growth Rate in Percentage, 2013-2018
Figure 8-26: US Wheat Seed Market on the Basis of Sales Volume in Million Bushels, 2013-2018
Figure 8-27: Future Projection for the US Wheat Seed Market on the Basis of Revenue in USD Million and Growth Rate in Percentage, 2018-2023
Figure 8-28: Future Projection for the US Wheat Seed Market on the Basis of Sales Volume in Million Bushels and Growth Rate in Percentage, 2018-2023
Figure 8-29: US Rice Crop by Planted Area in Thousand Acres, 2013-2018
Figure 8-30: US Rice Production by Volume in Million CWT, 2013-2018
Figure 15-1: Future Projection for the US Seed Market on the Basis of Revenue at Retail Price in USD Billion and Growth rate in Percentage, 2018-2023

List of Table

Table 2-1: Major Seeds in the US Seed Market
Table 2-2: Correlation Matrix of US Soybean Seed Market
Table 2-3: Regression Coefficients Output for the US Soybean Seed Market
Table 3-1: Yield per Hectare, Production and Area Planted for Major Grain and Hay Crop, 2017-2018
Table 3-2: Yield per Hectare, Production and Area Planted for Major Oilseeds, 2017-2018
Table 3-3: Yield per Hectare, Production and Area Planted for Major Cotton, Tobacco and Sugar Crops, 2017-2018
Table 3-4: Yield per Hectare, Production and Area Planted for Major Dry Bean, Peas and Lentils, 2017-2018
Table 3-5: Yield per Hectare, Production and Area Planted for Potato and Other Crops, 2017-2018
Table 3-6: US Irrigated Land Area by States by Type of Farm Size in Acres, 2013
Table 3-7: Cross Comparison of Farm Structure in the US Agriculture Sector
Table 6-1: US Cropping Pattern by Type of Grain Crop during a Year
Table 6-2: US Cropping Pattern by Type of Vegetables Crop during a Year
Table 7-1: Rationale and Description for US Seed Market On the Basis of Revenue at Retail Price in USD Billion, 2013-2018
Table 8-1: US Soybean Crop on the Basis of Total Area Planted by States in Thousand Acres, 2013-2018
Table 8-2: US Soybean Production by State in 1000 Bushels, 2013-2018
Table 8-3: Export/Import of Soybean from US to/from the Global market by Value in USD Thousand, 2014-2018
Table 8-4: Major Export Destination (Top five in 2018) for Soybean from US by Value in USD Thousand, 2014-2018
Table 8-5: US Soybean Planted Area by All Type of GE Seeds on the Basis of Percentage, 2013-2018
Table 8-6: Revenue of Major Players at Manufacturers Price in the US Soybean Seed Market, 2018
Table 8-7: Soybean Yield Per Acre in the US by State in Bushels, 2013-2018
Table 8-8: US Corn Crop by Area Under Plantation in Thousand Acres, 2013-2018
Table 8-9: US Corn Production by States on the Basis of Bushels in Thousand, 2013-2018
Table 8-10: Export/Import of Corn from US to/from the Global market by Value in USD Thousand, 2014-2018
Table 8-11: Major Export Destination (Top five in 2018) for Corn from US by Value in USD Thousand, 2014-2018
Table 8-12: US Corn Planted Area by All Type of GE Seeds on the Basis of Percentage, 2013-2018
Table 8-13: Revenue of Major Players at Manufacturers Price in the US Corn Seed Market, 2018
Table 8-14: US Corn Yield per Acre in Bushels, 2013-2018
Table 8-15: US Cotton Production by States in Thousand Bales, 2013-2018
Table 8-16: US Cotton Plantation by Area Under Cotton Plantation in Thousand Acres, 2013-2018
Table 8-17: US Cotton Planted Area by All Type of GE Seeds on the Basis of Percentage, 2013-2018
Table 8-18: Revenue of Major Players at Manufacturers Price in the US Cotton Seed Market, 2018
Table 8-19: US Cotton Industry Yield by States in Pound per Acre, 2013-2018
Table 8-20: US Planted Area for Sorghum in Thousand Acres by State, 2013-2018
Table 8-21: US Sorghum Production for Grain in 1,000 Bushels, 2013-2018
Table 8-22: Export/Import of Sorghum from US to/from the Global market by Value in USD Thousand, 2014-2018
Table 8-23: Major Export Destination (Top five in 2018) for Sorghum from US by Value in USD Thousand, 2014-2018
Table 8-24: US Sorghum Yield Per Acre by Different States in Number of Bushels, 2013-2018
Table 8-25: Export/Import of Wheat from US to/from the Global market by Value in USD Thousand, 2014-2018
Table 8-26: Major Export Destination (Top five in 2018) for Wheat from US by Value in USD Thousand, 2014-2018
Table 8-27: US Wheat Production Yield by States in Bushels per Acre, 2013-2018
Table 8-28: US Wheat Production by States in Thousand Bushels, 2013-2018
Table 8-29: US Wheat Planted Area by States in Thousand Acres, 2013-2018
Table 8-30: US Rice Crop by States on the Basis of Total Area Planted in Thousand Acres, 2013-2018
Table 8-31: Total Production of Rice in the US by State in 1000 CWT, 2016-2018
Table 8-32: Export/Import of Rice from US to/from the Global market by Value in USD Thousand, 2014-2018
Table 8-33: Major Export Destination (Top five in 2018) for Rice from US by Value in USD Thousand, 2014-2018
Table 8-34: Rice Yield per Acre in the US by State in Pounds, 2013-2018
Table 8-35: Export/Import of Oats from US to/from the Global market by Value in USD Thousand, 2014-2018
Table 8-36: Major Export Destination (Top five in 2018) for Oats from US by Value in USD Thousand, 2014-2018
Table 8-37: US Vegetable Planted by Type of Vegetables on the Basis of Area in Acres, 2013-2018
Table 8-38: US Vegetable Planted by State on the Basis of Area in Acres, 2013-2018
Table 8-39: US Vegetable Produced by Type of Vegetable Basis of Volume in 1000CWT, 2013-2018
Table 8-40: US Vegetable Yield by Type of Vegetable Basis of CWT/Acre, 2016-2018
Table 8-41: List of Small Scale Vegetable Seed Companies by Region and State
Table 10-1: Major Merger and Acquisitions Impacting the Seed Market
Table 11-1: SWOT Analysis of United States Seed Market, 2013-2018
Table 13-1: Cross Comparison of Bayer, DowDupont, Agreliant and Syngenta by Revenue, Crops by Trait and R&D Expenditure, 2018
Table 14-1: Company Profile of The Monsanto Company which includes Company Overview, USP, Business Strategies, R&D, Products and Brands, Recent Developments, Revenue, Patents, Weakness and Threats.
Table 14-2: Company profile of Dow DuPont Inc. which includes Company Overview, USP, Business Strategies, R&D, Products and Brands, Recent Developments, Revenue, Patents, Weakness and Threats.
Table 14-3: Company profile of Syngenta Seeds, LLC which includes Company Overview, USP, Business Strategies, R&D, Products and Brands, Recent Developments, Revenue, Patents, Weakness and Threats.
Table 14-4: Company profile of Agreliant Genetics, LLC which includes Company Overview, USP, Business Strategies, R&D, Products and Brands, Recent Developments, Revenue.
Table 15-1: Rationale and Description Future Projection to the US Seed Market by Revenue in USD Billion, 2018-2023
Table 15-2: US Seed Market by Type of Seed (GM/GE/Hybrid and Open Pollinated) on the Basis of Revenue from Retail Sales in Percentage, 2018-2023
Table 16-1: Analyst Recommendations for Future Performance of US Seed Market

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