Oman Plastic Pipe and Fitting Market Outlook to 2022

By Type of Pipe (UPVC, CPVC and PVC, PE, Others) and By End User Application (Irrigation, Water Supply & Sewage, Plumbing, Chemical & Oil, Others)

Region:Middle East


Product Code:KR709

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October 2018

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The report titled "Oman Plastic Pipe and Fitting Market Outlook to 2022 - By Type of Pipe (UPVC, CPVC and PVC, PE, Others) and By End User Application (Irrigation, Water Supply & Sewage, Plumbing, Chemical & Oil, Others)" provides a comprehensive analysis on the Oman plastic pipe and fitting market. The report covers various aspects including introduction to Oman plastic pipe and fitting market size, major players in Oman plastic pipe and fitting market, Market segmentation by Type of Pipe (UPVC, CPVC and PVC, PE, Others), Market Segmentation by End User Application (Irrigation, Water Supply & Sewage, Plumbing, Chemical & Oil, Others), Growth Drivers, Restraints, Key Regulations Future Outlook and Analyst recommendation.
This report will help the readers to identify the ongoing trends in the industry and anticipated growth in future depending upon changing industry dynamics in coming years. The report is useful for manufacturers, retailers, end users such as government and potential entrants and other stakeholders to align their market centric strategies according to ongoing and expected trends in the future.

Oman Plastic Pipe and Fitting Market

Oman Plastic Pipe and Fitting Market

Market Size: Oman plastic pipe and fitting market is in its late growth stage. The market has registered a five year CAGR of single digit from 2012 to 2017. Among plastic pipe and fitting market, plastic fittings are mostly imported from neighboring countries. Water conservation is one of the major trends that can be observed in Oman which has affected the plastic pipe and fitting market. Demand for different variant of plastic pipes which are more robust and economical is the other key factor for the surge in revenues of plastic pipe and fittings.

Market Segmentation

By Type of Pipes: The market is segmented into UPVC, PVC and CPVC, PE and Others. Others include plastic pipes such as ABS, PP etc. In 2017, PE pipes had the largest market share. UPVC pipes have the second largest share as these types of pipes are reasonably priced and are widely used in various sectors such as water pipelines etc. PVC and CPVC have been substituted by variety of other materials such as PE pipes. The newest type of pipes such as ABS, PPR, and PPX are categorized under others as their individual revenue contribution is low.

By Market Structure: The organized players have highest market share. Amiantit Oman, Muna Noor, Hepworth are some of the players in organized sector of plastic pipe and fitting. There are less than 10 players in the organized market and these companies manufacture high grade of plastic pipe and fittings. The players in unorganized market mostly manufacture PVC pipes only.

By Domestically Produced and Imported Products: The domestically manufactured products acquire the majority of market share which comprises of all the types of plastic pipes. Low price of raw material is one of the reasons for high market share of domestically manufactured pipes. Imported products which mainly include fittings have low market share.

By End User Application: Water supply and sewage, Irrigation, Oil and chemical industry pipelines, Plumbing and others (cable protection and gas etc) are the major end user application for plastic pipes and fittings. Most of the plastic pipes and fittings in Oman are used for water supply and sewage systems. This is because UPVC and HDPE pipes are being preferred by the government as they are comparatively low in cost as compared to steel and iron pipes. Plumbing application has comparatively lower market share due to low value plastic pipe usage. Chemical and Oil industries are widely present in Oman and have shown increased adoption of plastic pipes in their new projects. Other application includes transfer of gas and electric cable conduits.

Competition Scenario

The market is concentrated among top five players which include Amiantit Oman, Muna Noor, National Plastic, Hepworth and United Gulf Pipe Manufacturing Company. Out of these companies National Plastic and UGPM are the two companies which manufacture plastic fittings. Fittings market is largely import driven. Amiantit Oman is the biggest manufacturer of plastic pipes and fittings in the country with a high market share. It is followed by Muna Noor, National Plastic, Hepworth and UGPM which together constitute more than three fourth of the Oman plastic pipe and fitting revenue. There are some unorganized players in the market which have very small market share.

Future Outlook

The future outlook (2017-2022) of the industry is positive and is expected to grow at a CAGR of higher than the current period of estimation (2012-2017). It is anticipated that the PE pipes will grow at the fastest pace among all the types of plastic pipes, due to growth in end user application areas. The use of PVC pipes is expected to reduce due to substitution by other types of plastic pipes. The market share of organized sector manufacturers is expected to increase in 2022. The domestic manufacturing is expected to increase in the near future and will be mainly contributed by better capacity utilization. In case of end user application plastic pipes used in oil and chemical industry along with water supply and sewage pipelines is expected to increase at fastest pace due to enhanced focus on recovering the economy and conservation of water.

Key Topics Covered in the Report

  • Overview of Oman Plastic Pipe and Fitting Market.
  • Value chain analysis.
  • Oman Plastic Pipe and Fitting Market Size by Revenue.
  • Major Players in the Oman Plastic Pipe and Fitting Market.
  • Market Segmentation by Type of Pipe (UPVC, CPVC and PVC, PE, Others) and By End User Application (Irrigation, Water Supply
  • & Sewage, Plumbing, Chemical & Oil, Others Restraints.
  • Growth Drivers
  • Company profile of Major Manufacturers (Amiantit Oman, Hepworth, Muna Noor, UGPM, National Plastic)
  • Market Snapshot of Middle East Plastic Pipe and Fitting Market
  • Vendor Selection Process
  • Future Outlook
  • Analyst Recommendation.



Key Target Audience

  • Plastic Resin Suppliers
  • Plastic Pipe and Fitting Manufacturing Companies
  • Oil and Gas Industry
  • Government Bodies
  • Real Estate developers
  • Agriculture Sector Companies

Time Period Captured in the Report

  • Historical Period - 2012-2017
  • Future Forecast - 2017-2022


Key Segments Covered

By End User Application:

  • Irrigation
  • Water Supply & Sewage
  • Plumbing
  • Chemical & Oil
  • Others (Cable Protection, Gas etc.)

By Type of Pipes:

  • Unplasticized Polyvinyl Chloride (UPVC)
  • CPVC and PVC
  • Polyethylene (PE) (HDPE, MDPE, LDPE)
  • Others (Include polypropylene pipes, ABS, Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) Etc.)

By Type of Market Structure:

  • Organized Sector
  • Unorganized Sector

Companies Covered

  • Amiantit Oman,
  • Muna Noor,
  • Hepworth,
  • National Plastic,
  • UGPM

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary

Market Overview
Market Segmentation
Competitive Landscape
Future Analysis and Projections

2. Research Methodology

2.1. Market Definitions
2.2. Abbreviations
2.3. Market Sizing and Modeling

Approach- Market Sizing
Variables Dependent And Independent
Multifactor Based Sensitivity Model

3. Middle East Plastic Pipe and Fitting Market Snapshot

3.1. Middle East Plastic Pipe and Fitting Overview
3.2. Middle East Plastic Pipe and Fitting Market Size, 2013-17
3.3. Middle East Plastic Pipe and Fitting Market Segmentation, 2017

3.3.1. By Types of Pipes (PVC, PE and PBR, PPR and ABS), 2017
3.3.2. By Organized and Unorganized, 2017
3.3.3. By End User Applications (Irrigation, Water Supply and Sewage, Plumbing, Chemical and Oil and Others Applications), 2017

3.4. Middle East Plastic Pipe and Fitting Market Future Outlook, 2017-2023

4. Oman Plastic Pipes and Fitting Market Overview

4.1. Manufacturing Process of Plastic Pipes
4.2. Oman Plastic Pipes and Fitting Market Value Chain
4.3. Raw Material Suppliers to the Oman Pipes and Fittings market

5. Oman Plastic Pipes and Fitting Market Size, 2012-17

5.1. Oman Plastic Pipes and Fitting Market Size by Revenue, 2012-17

6. Oman Plastic Pipe and Fitting Market Segmentation, 2017

6.1. By Types of Pipes (PE, UPVC, CPVC, PVC, Others), 2017
6.2. By Organized and Unorganized, 2017
6.3. By Domestically Produced and Imported Products, 2017
6.4. By End User Applications (Irrigation, Water Supply & Sewage, Plumbing, Chemical & Oil, Others), 2017
6.5. Pricing of the Product

7. Competition Scenario and Company Profile

7.1. Amiantit Oman
7.2. Muna Noor
7.3. Hepworth
7.4. United Gulf Pipe Manufacturing Co. LLC
7.5. National Plastic Oman

8. Factors Influencing Market

8.1. Common Certificates in Oman PVC Market

9. Oman Pipes and Fitting Market Future Outlook, 2017-22

9.1. Oman Plastic Pipe and Fitting Future Market Segmentation, 2017-22

9.1.1. By Type of Pipes (PE, UPVC, CPVC and PVC, Others), 2017-22
9.1.2. By Organized and Unorganized, 2017-22
9.1.3. By Type of Source, 2017-22
9.1.4. By Type of End User Application, 2017-22

10. Growth Drivers

Infrastructure Growth
Increase in Tourism
Substitution For Steel Pipes
Readily Available Raw Materials

11. Restraints

Lack of Injection Molding Techniques
Low Oil Prices
Conforming Industry Standards

12. Trends

13. SWOT Analysis of Oman Plastic Pipe and Fitting Market

14. Vendor Selection Mechanism in Oman Plastic Pipe and Fittings Market

15. Analyst Recommendations

16. Macro Economic Variables Affecting Oman Plastic Pipes and Fittings Market

16.1. Oman GDP, 2012-22
16.2. Number of Households in Thousands, 2012-22
16.3. Oman Construction Industry in USD Billion, 2012-22


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List of Figure

Figure 1-1: Executive Summary of the Oman Plastic Pipes and Fittings Market
Figure 3-1: Middle East Plastic Pipes and Fittings Market Size by Revenue in USD Billion and Growth Rate in Percentage, 2013-17
Figure 3-2: Middle East Pipes and Fitting Market Size by Sales Volume in Million Tonnes and Growth Rate in Percentage, 2013-17
Figure 3-3: FDI Stock Inflow as Percentage of GDP in Major Middle East Countries, 2016
Figure 3-4: Inflow of GDP (in USD Billion) in GCC Region, 2013-16
Figure 3-5: Middle East Plastic Pipe and Fitting Market Segmentation by Type of Pipes (PVC, PE and PPR, PBR and ABS) by Revenue in USD Million, 2017
Figure 3-6: Middle East Plastic Pipe and Fitting Market Segmentation by Organized and Unorganized on the Basis of Revenue in Percentage, 2017
Figure 3-7: Revenue Generated from Oil Exports in OPEC Countries and Growth Rate in Percentage (excluding Iran), 2013-18
Figure 3-8: Middle East Plastic Pipe and Fitting Market Segmentation by Type of End User Application (Irrigation, Water Supply and Sewage, Plumbing, Chemical and Oil and Others Applications) by Revenue in Percentage, 2017
Figure 3-9: Future Outlook to Middle East Plastic Pipe and Fitting Market Size by Sales Volume and Growth Rate in Percentage, 2017-23
Figure 3-10: Future Projections for Middle East Plastic Pipe and Fitting Market Size by Revenue and Growth Rate in Percentage, 2017-23
Figure 3-11: Middle East Plastic Pipe and Fittings Market Segmentation by Types of Pipes (PVC, PE and PPR, PBR and ABS) by Revenue in Percentage, 2023
Figure 3-12: Middle East Plastic Pipe and Fittings Market Segmentation by Organized and Unorganized Segment by Revenue in Percentage, 2023
Figure 3-13: Middle East Plastic Pipe and Fittings Market Segmentation by End User Application (Irrigation, Water Supply and Sewage, Plumbing, Chemical and Oil and Others Applications) by Revenue in Percentage, 2023
Figure 4-1: Manufacturing Process of Plastic Pipes and Fittings in Oman
Figure 4-2: Value Chain of Oman Plastic Pipe and Fitting Market
Figure 5-1: Oman Plastic Pipe and Fitting Market Size by Revenue in USD Million and Growth Rate in Percentage, 2012-17
Figure 5-2: Number of Land Plots Granted for Commercial Purpose in Nos and growth Rate in Percentage, 2013-17
Figure 6-1 Oman Plastic Pipe and Fitting Market Segmentation by Type of Pipe [UPVC, CPVC and PVC, Polyethylene (PE) (HDPE, MDPE, LDPE), and Others (Include Polypropylene Pipes, ABS, Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF) and Others] by Revenue in Percentage, 2017
Figure 6-2: Oman Plastic Pipe and Fitting Market Segmentation by Type of Pipe [UPVC, CPVC and PVC, Polyethylene (PE) (HDPE, MDPE, LDPE), and Others (Include Polypropylene Pipes, ABS, Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF) and Others] by Volume (in Percentage), 2017
Figure 6-3: Oman Pipe and Fitting Market Segmentation by Type of Market Structure (Organized and Unorganized Market) by Revenue (in Percentage), 2017
Figure 6-4: Oman Pipe and Fitting Market Segmentation by Type of Source (Domestically Manufactured and Imported) by Revenue in Percentage, 2017
Figure 6-5: Oman Pipe and Fitting Market Segmentation by Type of End User Application (Irrigation, Water Supply & Sewage, Plumbing, Chemical & Oil, Others) by Revenue (in Percentage), 2017
Figure 6-6: Number of Land Plots Granted for Residential Purposes in Nos with Growth Rate in Percentage, 2013-17
Figure 7-1: Share of Major Companies in Oman Pipes and Fitting Market (Amiantit Oman, Muna Noor, Hepworth, UGPM, National Plastic and Others) on basis of Revenue in Percentage, 2017
Figure 7-2: Share of Major Companies (Amiantit Oman, Muna Noor, Hepworth, UGPM, National Plastic and Others) in Oman Pipes and Fitting Market on basis of Sales Volume in Percentage, 2017
Figure 7-3: Company Profile of Amiantit Oman Including Company Overview, Business Strategy, USP, Strength, and Weakness and Product Portfolio
Figure 9-1: Future Projection for Oman Plastic Pipe and Fitting Market Size by Revenue in USD Million with Growth Rate in Percentage, 2017-22
Figure 9-2: Oman Plastic Pipe and Fitting Market Segmentation by Type of Pipes (UPVC, CPVC and PVC, PE and Others) by Revenue in Percentage, 2017-22
Figure 9-3: Oman Plastic Pipe and Fitting Market Segmentation by Type of Market Structure (Organized Market, Unorganized Market) by Revenue (in Percentage), 2017-22
Figure 9-4: Oman Plastic Pipe and Fitting Market Segmentation by Type of Source (Domestically Manufactured and Imported) by Revenue (in Percentage), 2017-22
Figure 9-5: Oman Plastic Pipe and Fitting Market Segmentation by Type of End User Application (Irrigation, Water Supply and Sewage, Plumbing, Chemical and Oils and Others) by Revenue (in Percentage), 2017-22
Figure 10-1: Oman Tourist Arrival (in thousands) with Growth Rate in Percentage, October 2017- March 2018
Figure 16-1: Oman GDP in USD Billion, 2012- 2022
Figure 16-2: Number of Households in Oman in Thousands, 2012- 2022
Figure 16-3: Oman Construction Industry in USD Billion, 2012- 2022

List of Table

Table 2-1: List of Abbreviations
Table 2-2: Correlation Matrix of Macroeconomic Variables Impacting Oman Plastic Pipes and Fittings Market
Table 2-3: Regression Coefficients Output for Oman Plastic Pipes and Fittings Market
Table 3-1: Middle East Plastic Pipe and Fitting Market Overview
Table 3-2: Rationale and Description for Middle East Plastic Pipe and Fitting Market Size by Revenue and Volume, 2013-2017
Table 3-3: Rationale and Description of Middle East Plastic Pipe and Fitting Market Segmentation by Types of Pipes (PVC, PE and PBR, PPR and ABS) by Revenue, 2017
Table 3-4: Rationale and Description for Middle East Plastic Pipe and Fitting Market Segmentation by Organized and Unorganized Segment on the Basis of Revenue, 2017
Table 3-5: Rationale and Description for Middle East Plastic Pipe and Fitting Market Segmentation by Type of End User Applications (Irrigation, Water Supply and Sewage, Plumbing, Chemical and Oil and Others Applications) by Revenue, 2017
Table 3-6: List of Oil Refineries in Middle East Region including Name of Company, Country and Production Capacity
Table 3-7: Middle East Plastic Pipe and Fitting Market Future Outlook, 2017-2023
Table 3-8: Rationale and Description for Future Outlook to Middle East Plastic Pipe and Fitting Market Segmentation, 2023
Table 4-1: Oman Plastic Pipe and Fitting Overview including Genesis, Country’s Economy, Market Size, End User, Major Products, Trade Scenario, Market Competition and Growth Drivers
Table 4-2: Manufacturing Process of Plastic Pipes and Fittings in Oman
Table 4-3: Value Chain Analysis of Oman Plastic Pipe and Fitting Market
Table 4-4: Snapshot of Raw Material Suppliers in Oman Plastic Pipes and Fittings Market
Table 5-1: Rationale and Description for Oman Plastic Pipe and Fitting Market Size by Revenue, 2012-17
Table 5-2: List of Integrated Tourism Complexes (ITC) in Oman
Table 5-3: List of Construction Projects Completed between 2013 to 2015
Table 6-1: Oman Plastic Pipe and Fitting Market Segmentation by Type of Pipe [UPVC, CPVC and PVC, Polyethylene (PE) (HDPE, MDPE, LDPE), and Others (Include Polypropylene Pipes, ABS, Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF) and Others] by Revenue in USD Million, 2017
Table 6-2: Oman Pipe and Fitting Market Segmentation by Type of Market Structure (Organized and Unorganized Market) by Revenue (in USD Million), 2017
Table 6-3: Oman Pipe and Fitting Market Segmentation by Type of Source (Domestically Manufactured and Imported) by Revenue in USD Million, 2017
Table 6-4 Oman Pipe and Fitting Market Segmentation by Type of End User Application (Irrigation, Water Supply & Sewage, Plumbing, Chemical & Oil, Others) by Revenue in USD Million, 2017
Table 6-5: Preference given to Price, Lifespan and Quality by Different End User Application
Table 6-6 List of Oil Refineries in Oman including Name of Company, Country and Production Capacity
Table 6-7: List of Healthcare Projects in Oman with Description and Value (in USD Million)
Table 6-8: Factors Affecting Pricing of the Product including Raw Material, Manufacturing Process, Logistics, Market Competition, Demand of the Product and Customer Loyalty
Table 7-1: Strength and Weakness of Major Players (Amiantit Oman, Muna Noor, Hepworth, UGPM and National Plastic) in Oman Plastic Pipe and Fitting Market
Table 7-2: Amiantit Production Capacity Tonnes per Month
Table 7-3: Company Profile of Muna Noor including Company Overview, Business Strategy, USP, Manufacturing Facility, Strength, Weakness, Product Portfolio and Net Profit
Table 7-4: Company Profile of Hepworth including Company Overview, Business Strategy, USP, Strength, Weakness, Product Portfolio, Manufacturing Facility and Distribution Channel
Table 7-5: Company Profile of United Gulf Pipe Manufacturing Co. LLC including Company Overview, Business Strategy, USP, Strength, Weakness, Number of Employees and Manufacturing Facilities
Table 7-6: Major Projects of UGPM in Oman
Table 7-7: Company Profile of National Plastic Factory including Company Overview, Business Strategy, USP, Strength, Weakness and Major Customers.
Table 7-8: National Plastic Oman Product Portfolio
Table 8-1: Common Certificates Followed for HDPE pipes in Oman PVC Pipe and Fitting Market
Table 8-2: Some Common Uses of HDPE Pipe along with the Standards Used
Table 9-1: Parameters (Industrial Growth, Commercial Growth, Public Sector Spending, Private Investments, Major Type of Products and Country’s Economic Outlook) and Description for Future Outlook to Oman Pipes and Fitting Market Size, 2017-22
Table 9-2: Oman Plastic Pipes and Fitting Market Segmentation Outlook by Types of Pipes (UPVC, CPVC and PVC, PE and Others) along with the Description, 2017-22
Table 9-3: Oman Plastic Pipes and Fittings Market Segmentation by Type of Pipes (UPVC, CPVC and PVC, PE and Others) along with Revenue (in USD Millions), 2017-22
Table 9-4: Rationale and Description for Oman Plastic Pipes and Fitting Future Market Segmentation by Types of Market Structure (Organized Market and Unorganized Market) on the Basis of Revenue, 2017-22
Table 9-5: Oman Plastic Pipes and Fittings Market Segmentation by Type of Market Structure (Organized Market, Unorganized Market) along with Revenue (in USD Millions), 2017-22
Table 9-6: Rationale and Description for Oman Plastic Pipes and Fitting Market Segmentation Outlook by Types of Source (Domestically Manufactured and Imported), 2017-22
Table 9-7: Oman Plastic Pipes and Fittings Market Segmentation by Type of Source (Domestically Manufactured and Imported) along with Revenue (in USD Millions), 2017-22
Table 9-8: Rationale and Description for Oman Plastic Pipes and Fitting Market Segmentation Outlook by Types of End User Application (Irrigation, Water Supply and Sewage, Plumbing, Chemical and Oils and Others), 2017-22
Table 9-9 Oman Plastic Pipes and Fittings Market Segmentation by Type of End User Application (Irrigation, Water Supply and Sewage, Plumbing, Chemical and Oils and Others) along with Revenue in USD Millions, 2017-22
Table 12-1: Trends (Water Conservation, Retail Expansion, Composite Pipes, PPP Partnerships and Allowing Expatriates to Own Houses) in Oman Plastic Pipe and Fitting Market
Table 13-1: Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats of Oman Plastic Pipe and Fitting Market
Table 14-1: Vendor Selection Mechanism (Standards, Relationship, Quality, Product Availability and Product Range) in Oman Plastic Pipe and Fitting Market along with Weightage (in Percentage) and Description
Table 15-1: Analyst Recommendations for Oman Plastic Pipes and Fitting Market along with Rationale and Description
Table 16-1: Rationale for Oman GDP in USD Billion, 2012-2022
Table 16-2: Rationale for Number of Households in Oman in Thousand, 2012-2022
Table 16-3: Rationale for Oman Construction Industry in USD Billion, 2012-2022

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