Saudi Arabia Plastic Pipes and Fittings Market Outlook to 2022

By Type of Pipes (UPVC, PVC and CPVC, PE and Others) and Type of End Use Applications (Irrigation, Water Supply and Sewage, Plumbing, Chemical and Oil and Others)

Region:Middle East


Product Code:KR703

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October 2018

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About the Report

The report titled "Saudi Arabia Plastic Pipes and Fittings Market Outlook to 2022 - By Type of Pipes (UPVC, PVC and CPVC, PE and Others) and Type of End Use Applications (Irrigation, Water Supply and Sewage, Plumbing, Chemical and Oil and Others)" provides a comprehensive analysis on the Plastic Pipes and Fittings industry of Saudi Arabia. The report covers various aspects including introduction, value chain, manufacturing process, inspection and testing, stakeholders in the market, market size by revenue (2012-2017), market segmentation on the basis of types of pipes, type of market structure, type of end user application, factors determining prices, competitive landscape, market share and company profiles of major players, common manufacturing standards used, growth drivers, issues and challenges and porter five forces analysis for the industry. The report also includes future outlook for the market (2017-2022) including estimated market size in terms of revenue, market segmentation on the basis of type of pipes, type of market structure and type of end user application for the period.
The report is useful for manufacturers of plastic pipes and fittings and manufacturers of plastic resins to align their market centric strategies according to ongoing and expected trends in the future.

Saudi Arabia Plastic Pipes and Fittings Market

Saudi Arabia Plastic Pipes and Fittings Market and Overview

The plastic pipes and fittings market in Saudi Arabia is in late growth stage. The organized sector (large and specialized companies) dominated the market due to superior product quality and product customization. Government schemes such as Vision 2030 to emphasize on developing sectors such as health care, defense, transport and logistics will increase the investment in the construction of hospitals, factories and other infrastructure, boost private sector contribution to the economy, transform the government's Public Investment Fund (PIF) into a USD 2 trillion sovereign wealth fund. There has also been a shift in consumer preference from steel pipes to plastic pipes for various industrial uses such as for the purpose of distributing oil and natural gas as it is a more economical option.

Market Segmentation

In 2017, uPVC pipes and fittings continued to be the most prevalent product followed by PVC and CPVC pipes, PE pipes and others in terms of revenue in the Plastic Pipes and Fittings market in Saudi Arabia. The demand for PVC pipes and fittings has been declining due to substitution of PE and PPR products and its increasing application areas. In 2017, Water supply and Sewage contributed the highest share to the Plastic Pipes and Fittings market of Saudi Arabia. This was followed by the plumbing sector, other applications such as oil and gas transmission, cable protection, healthcare and automotive industries, chemical and oil industries and Irrigation in terms of revenue.

Competitive Landscape

Saudi Arabia plastic pipes and fittings market is concentrated with the presence of few big players constituting majority of the market. Saudi Plastic Products Company Ltd (SAPPCO), Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC), New Products Industries Co Ltd. (NEPROPLAST), Arabian Gulf Manufacturers Ltd (AGM), Al Watania Plastics, Munir Munif Plastic Factory (MMP) and Almona Plastic Product Company Ltd. Co. are the major players in the market. These big and established players compete with the other unorganized players on the basis of product customization, availability of credit facility, product quality and innovation.

Future Outlook

The future outlook of the industry is positive with an expected recovery in oil prices in the coming years. The construction industry will continue to expand with investments in infrastructure, residential, water and energy projects. The plastic pipes and fittings market growth will also be driven by the country's Vision 2030, under which the government aims to diversify the country's economy away from oil and support economic growth. Construction of affordable housing units is also expected to increase as the government plans to increase the proportion of Saudi families which own their own house from 47% in 2016 to 52% by 2020. The transition in the preference for plastic type is set to reduce the market of PVC pipes and fittings and consequently increase the market of PE pipes by 2022 in terms of revenue. The proportion of imports is expected to fall in terms of volume as PPR and PE producers in the country increase their production to meet the local demand.

Key Topics Covered in the Report

  • Snapshot on Middle East Plastic Pipes and Fittings market including market size by revenue (2013 - 2017), market segmentation by types of pipes, type of market structure and type of end user application
  • Introduction on Saudi Arabia Plastic Pipes and Fittings Market
  • Value Chain
  • Manufacturing Process
  • Inspection and Testing
  • Stakeholders in the Market
  • Market Size by revenue
  • Market Segmentation on the Basis of Types of Pipes, Type of Market Structure, Type of End User Application
  • Factors Determining Prices of the Product
  • Competitive Landscape in the Industry
  • Company Profiles of Major Players in the Market
  • Common Manufacturing Standards Used
  • Growth Drivers
  • Issues and Challenges
  • Porter Five Forces Analysis
  • Future Outlook (2017-2022) including estimated market revenue, market segmentation on the basis of type of pipes, type of market structure and type of end user application.



Key Target Audience

  • Plastic Pipes and Fittings Manufacturers
  • Plastic Resins Manufacturers
  • Major Importers of Plastic Pipes and Fittings
  • Private Equity Ventures/ VC Funds


Time Period Captured in the Report:

  • Historical Period - 2012-2017
  • Future Forecast - 2018-2022


Key Segments Covered

By Type of Pipe
  • uPVC
  • PVC and CPVC
  • PE
  • PPR, ABS, PVDF and others
By Type of Market Structure
  • Organized Market
  • Unorganized Market
By Type of End User Application
  • Water Supply and Sewage
  • Plumbing
  • Chemical and Oil
  • Irrigation
  • Gas Transmission, Cable Protection, Healthcare and Automotive Industries and others
Companies Covered
  • Saudi Plastic Products Company Ltd. (SAPPCO),
  • Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC),
  • New Products Industries Co Ltd. (NEPROPLAST),
  • Arabian Gulf Manufacturers Ltd (AGM),
  • Al Watania Plastics,
  • Munir Munif Plastic Factory (MMP),
  • Almona Plastic Product Company Ltd. Co.,
  • Hepworth,
  • Arabian Plastic Manufacturing Company Ltd. (APLACO)
  • and Saudi Plastic Products Company Ltd. Dammam

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary

Market Overview
Market Size
Market Segmentation
Competitive Landscape
Future Analysis and Projections

2. Appendix

2.1. Market Definitions
2.2. Abbreviations
2.3. Market Sizing and Modeling

Research Methodology
Approach - Market Sizing

3. Middle East Plastic Pipe and Fitting Market Snapshot

3.1. Middle East Plastic Pipe and Fitting Overview

3.2. Middle East Plastic Pipe and Fitting Market Size, 2013-17
3.3. Middle East Plastic Pipe and Fitting Market Segmentation, 2017

3.3.1. by Types Of Pipes, 2017
3.3.2. by Organized and Unorganized, 2017
3.3.3. By End User Applications, 2017

3.4. Middle East Plastic Pipe and Fitting Market Future Outlook, 2017-2023

4. Saudi Arabia Plastic Pipes and Fitting overview

4.1. Value Chain
4.2. Manufacturing Process
4.3. Inspection and Testing
4.4. Stakeholders in Saudi Arabia Plastic Pipes and Fittings Market Ecosystem

5. Saudi Arabia Plastic Pipes and Fittings Market Size, 2012- 2017

6. Saudi Arabia Plastic Pipes and Fittings Market Segmentation, 2017

6.1. By Type of Pipe, 2017
6.2. By Organized and Unorganized, 2017
6.3. by Type of End User Application, 2017

7. Pricing of the Product

8. Common Manufacturing Standards

9. Issues and Challenges

10. Growth Drivers

10.1. Infrastructure Growth
10.2. Increase in Tourism
10.3. Rising Population and Income
10.4. Rising Investment in Water Projects

11. Porter's Five Force Analysis

12. Competition Scenario

12.1. Company Profile

12.1.1. Saudi Plastic Products Company Ltd.
12.1.2. Saudi Basic Industries Corporation
12.1.3. New Products Industries Co Ltd.
12.1.4. Arabian Gulf Manufacturers Ltd
12.1.5. Al Watania Plastics
12.1.6. Munir Munif Plastic Factory
12.1.7. Almona Plastic Product Company Ltd. Co.
12.1.8. Al-Rajhi Pipes
12.1.9. Alwasail Industrial Company
12.1.10.Others Major Companies

Arabian Plastic Manufacturing Company limited (APLACO)
SAPPCO Dammam Factory
National Factory for Plastics Ind.
Saudi Arabian Amiantit Company

13. Saudi Arabia Plastic Pipes and Fitting Market Future Outlook, 2017- 2022

13.1. Future Potential, 2017-2022

13.2. Short Term and Long Term Outlook
13.3. Future Projections by Type of Pipes, 2017-2022

13.3.1. Future Projections by Type of Market Structure, 2017-2022
13.3.2. Future Projections by End User Application, 2017-2022

14. Analyst Recommendations


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List of Figure

Figure 1-1: Executive Summary of the Saudi Arabia Plastic Pipes and Fittings Market
Figure 3-1: Middle East Plastic Pipes and Fittings Market Size by Revenue in USD Billion and Growth Rate in Percentage, 2013-17
Figure 3-2: Middle East Pipes and Fitting Market Size by Volume in Million Tonnes and Growth Rate in Percentage, 2013-17
Figure 3-3: FDI Stock Inflow as Percentage of GDP in Major Middle East Countries, 2016
Figure 3-4: Inflow of GDP (in USD Billion) in GCC Region, 2013-16
Figure 3-5: Middle East Plastic Pipe and Fitting Market Segmentation by Type of Pipes (PVC, PE and PPR, PBR and ABS) by Revenue in USD Million, 2017
Figure 3-6: Middle East Plastic Pipe and Fitting Market Segmentation by Organized and Unorganized on the Basis of Revenue in Percentage, 2017
Figure 3-7: Revenue Generated from Oil Exports in OPEC Countries and growth rate in Percentage (excluding Iran), 2013-18
Figure 3-8: Middle East Plastic Pipe and Fitting Market Segmentation by Type of End User Application (Irrigation, Water Supply and Sewage, Plumbing, Chemical and Oil and Others Applications) by Revenue in Percentage, 2017
Figure 3-9: Future Outlook to Middle East Plastic Pipe and Fitting Market Size by Volume and Growth Rate in Percentage, 2017-23
Figure 3-10: Future Projections for Middle East Plastic Pipe and Fitting Market Size by Revenue and Growth Rate in Percentage, 2017-23
Figure 3-11: Middle East Plastic Pipe and Fittings Market Segmentation by Types of Pipes (PVC, PE and PPR, PBR and ABS) by Revenue in Percentage, 2023
Figure 3-12: Middle East Plastic Pipe and Fittings Market Segmentation by Organized and Unorganized Segment by Revenue in Percentage, 2023
Figure 3-13: Middle East Plastic Pipe and Fittings Market Segmentation by End User Application (Irrigation, Water Supply and Sewage, Plumbing, Chemical and Oil and Others Applications) by Revenue in Percentage, 2023
Figure 4-1: Value Chain of Saudi Arabia Plastic Pipe and Fitting Market
Figure 4-2: Manufacturing Process of Plastic Pipes and Fittings in Saudi Arabia
Figure 5-1: Saudi Arabia Plastic Pipes and Fittings Market Size on the Basis of Revenue in USD Million and Growth Rate in Percentage (%), 2012 – 2017
Figure 6-1: Saudi Arabia Plastic Pipe and Fitting Market Segmentation by Type of Pipe (uPVC, CPVC and PVC, PE and others (including PPR, ABS and PVDF) by Revenue in Percentage, 2017
Figure 6-2: Saudi Arabia Plastic Pipes and Fittings Market Demand for PVC Pipes and Fittings in Tons Per Annum (TPA) and Growth Rate in Percentage, 2013 – 2017
Figure 6-3: Saudi Arabia Plastic Pipes and Fittings Market Demand for PPR Pipes and Fittings in Tons Per Annum (TPA) and growth Rate in Percentage, 2013 – 2017
Figure 6-4: Saudi Arabia Plastic Pipe and Fitting Market Segmentation by Organized and Unogranized Segment Revenue in Percentage, 2017
Figure 6-5: Saudi Arabia Plastic Pipe and Fitting Market Segmentation by Type of End User Irrigation, Water Supply and Sewage, Plumbing, Chemical and Oil and Others (Including Gas Transmission, Cable Protection, Healthcare and Automotive Industries) by Revenue in Percentage, 2017
Figure 9-1: Rationale and Description for Issues and Challenges in Saudi Arabia Plastic Pipes and Fittings Market
Figure 10-1: Population of Saudi Arabia and Growth Rate in Percentage, 2012- 2018
Figure 13-1: Saudi Arabia Plastic Pipe and Fitting Market Size by Revenue in USD Million and Growth Rate in Percentage, 2017- 2022
Figure 13-2: Saudi Arabia Plastic Pipe and Fitting Market Segmentation Future Projection by Type of Pipes (UPVC, CPVC and PVC, PE and Others (including PPR, ABS and PVDF) in Terms of Revenue in Percentage, 2017- 2022
Figure 13-3: Saudi Arabia Plastic Pipe and Fitting Market Segmentation Future projection by Type of Pipes and Fittings (PVC, PE and PPR) in Terms of Volume in Percentage, 2018- 2020
Figure 13-4: Saudi Arabia Plastic Pipe and Fitting Market Segmentation Future Projection by Organized and Unorganized in Terms of Revenue in Percentage, 2017- 2022
Figure 13-5: Saudi Arabia Plastic Pipe and Fitting Market Future Projection by End User Application (Irrigation, Water Supply and Sewage, Plumbing, Chemical and Oil and Others) in Terms of Revenue in Percentage, 2017- 2022

List of Table

Table 3-1: Middle East Plastic Pipe and Fitting Market Overview
Table 3-2: Rationale and Description for Middle East Plastic Pipe and Fitting Market Size by Revenue and Volume, 2013-2017
Table 3-3: Rationale and Description of Middle East Plastic Pipe and Fitting Market Segmentation by Types of Pipes (PVC, PE and PBR, PPR and ABS) by Revenue, 2017
Table 3-4: Rationale and Description for Middle East Plastic Pipe and Fitting Market Segmentation by Organized and Unorganized Segment on the Basis of Revenue, 2017
Table 3-5: Rationale and Description for Middle East Plastic Pipe and Fitting Market Segmentation by Type of End User Applications (Irrigation, Water Supply and Sewage, Plumbing, Chemical and Oil and Others Applications) by Revenue, 2017
Table 3-6: List of Oil Refineries in Middle East Region including Name of Company, Country and Production Capacity
Table 3-7: Middle East Plastic Pipe and Fitting Market Future Outlook, 2017-2023
Table 3-8: Rationale and Description for Future Outlook to Middle East Plastic Pipe and Fitting Market Segmentation, 2023
Table 4-1: Saudi Arabia Plastic Pipes and Fitting Market Overview including Genesis, Country's Economy, Market Stage, End User, Major products, Trade Scenario, Market Competition and Growth Drivers
Table 4-2: Value Chain Analysis of Saudi Arabia Plastic Pipe and Fitting Market
Table 4-3: Manufacturing Process of Plastic Pipes and Fittings in Saudi Arabia
Table 4-4: Inspection and Testing of Plastic Pipes and Fittings Including Control Steps, Specifications of Monitoring, Means and Records
Table 4-5: Saudi Arabia Plastic Pipes and Fittings Market Ecosystem
Table 5-1: Rationale and Description for Saudi Arabia Plastic Pipes and Fittings Market Size on the Basis of Revenue, 2012- 2017
Table 6-1: Rationale and Growth of uPVC, CPVC and PVC, PE and others (including PPR, ABS and PVDF) Plastic Pipes Revenue, 2017
Table 6-2: Rationale and Description of Organized and Unogranized Plastic Pipe and Fitting Market, 2017
Table 6-3: Rationale and Description for End Use Application including Irrigation, Water Supply and Sewage, Plumbing, Chemical and Oil and Others (Including Gas Transmission, Cable Protection, Healthcare and Automotive Industries) by Revenue in USD Million, 2017
Table 7-1: Factors Affecting Pricing of the Plastic Pipes and Fittings in Saudi Arabia including Raw Material, Products Manufactured, Logistics, Market Competition, Demand of the product and Customer Loyalty
Table 8-1: Common Manufacturing Standards in Saudi Arabia Plastic Pipes and Fittings Market for uPVC, Polyethylene Pipe, CPVC and PE Pipes
Table 8-2: Common Manufacturing Standards in Saudi Arabia Plastic Pipes and Fittings Market for uPVC and CPVC Fittings
Table 10-1: List of Major Construction Projects Announced in Saudi Arabia, 2017
Table 11-1: Porter's Five Force Analysis for Saudi Arabia Plastic Pipes and Fittings Market including Parameter, Degree and Description
Table 12-1: Competition Scenario in Saudi Arabia Plastic Pipes and Fittings Market Including Competition Stage, Company Position and Parameters of Competition
Table 12-2: Cross Comparison of Major Companies Present in the Plastic Pipes and Fittings Market in Saudi Arabia based on Estimated Production Capacity and Location of Manufacturing Bases, 2017
Table 12-3: Strengths of Saudi Plastic Products Company Ltd (SAPPCO), Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC), New Products Industries Co Ltd. (NEPROPLAST), Arabian Gulf Manufacturers Ltd (AGM), Al Watania Plastics, Munir Munif Plastic Factory (MMP), Almona Plastic Product Company Ltd. Co., Al- Rajhi Pipes and Alwasail Industrial Company
Table 12-4: Cross Comparison by Presence of Leading Manufacturers in Saudi Arabia Plastic Pipes and Fittings Market in Type of Pipe and Fittings
Table 12-5: Company Profile of SAPPCO Including Company Overview, Location and Strengths
Table 12-6: Product Portfolio of Saudi Plastic Products Company Ltd.
Table 12-7: Company Profile of SABIC Including Company Overview, Location, Patents, USP, Certifications and Recent Developments
Table 12-8: Company Profile of Neproplast Including Company Overview, Production Capacity, USP, Quality Control, Certifications, Major Clients and Recent Developments
Table 12-9: Product Portfolio of Neproplast
Table 12-10: Company Profile of Arabian Gulf Manufacturers Including Company Overview, Industries Served, Location, Quality Control, Certifications and Strengths
Table 12-11: Product Portfolio for Plastic Pipes of Arabian Gulf Manufacturers Ltd
Table 12-12: Product Portfolio for Plastic Fittings of Arabian Gulf Manufacturers Ltd
Table 12-13: Company Profile of Al Watania Plastics Including Company Overview, Location, Quality Control, Certifications and Recent Developments
Table 12-14: Product Portfolio of Al Watania Plastics
Table 12-15: Company Profile of Munir Munif Plastic Factory Including Company Overview, Location, Quality Control, Certifications, Production Capacity and Product Description
Table 12-16: Product Portfolio for Pipes of Munir Munif Plastic Factory
Table 12-17: Product Portfolio for Fittings of Munir Munif Plastic Factory
Table 12-18: Company Profile of Almona Plastic Product Company Ltd. Co. Including Company Overview, Location, Facility Description, USP, Certifications, Production Capacity and Strengths
Table 12-19: Product Portfolio of Almona Plastic Product Company Ltd. Co.
Table 12-20: Company Profile of Al-Rajhi Pipes Including Company Overview, Location, Certifications, Production Capacity and Strengths
Table 12-21: Product Portfolio of Al-Rajhi Pipes
Table 12-22: Company Profile of Alwasail Industrial Company Including Company Overview, Location, Average Sales, Production Capacity, Industries Served, Employees and Branches, Certifications, Manufacturing Facilities, Sales and Marketing, Logistics Facilities, Quality Control Facilities, Customers, Partners and Recent Developments
Table 12-23: Production Facilities of Alwasail Industrial Company
Table 12-24: Product Portfolio of Alwasail Industrial Company
Table 12-25: Company Profile of Hepworth Including Company Overview, Manufacturing and Quality Control
Table 12-26: Product Portfolio of Hepworth
Table 12-27: Company Profile of Arabian Plastic Manufacturing Company Ltd. Including Company Overview, Projects and Quality Control
Table 12-28: Product Portfolio of Arabian Plastic Manufacturing Company limited (APLACO)
Table 12-29: Company Profile of Saudi Plastic Products Company Ltd. Dammam Including Company Overview, Certifications, Quality Control and Strengths
Table 12-30: Product Portfolio of SAPPCO Dammam Factory
Table 12-31: Company Profile of National Factory for Plastic Ind. Including Company Overview, Production Capacity, Quality Control and Recent Developments
Table 12-32: Product Portfolio for National Factory for Plastics Ind.
Table 12-33: Company Profile of Saudi Arabian Amiantit Company Including Company Overview, Estimated Net Sales, Business Activities, USP and Recent Developments
Table 12-34: Product Portfolio for National Factory for Plastics Ind.
Table 13-1: Saudi Arabia Plastic Pipes and Fitting Market Overview including Industrial Growth, Commercial Growth, Investments, Major Type of Products, Country's Economic Outlook and Real Estate Sector, 2017-2022
Table 13-2: Rationale and Description for Saudi Arabia Plastic Pipes and Fittings Market Future Projection on the Basis of Revenue, 2017- 2022
Table 13-3: Rationale and Description for Saudi Arabia Plastic Pipes and Fitting Market Segmentation Future Projection by Types of Pipes including UPVC, CPVC and PVC, PE and Others (including PPR, ABS and PVDF) by Revenue in USD Million, 2017- 2022
Table 13-4: Saudi Arabia Plastic Pipes and Fittings Market Segmentation Future Projection by Type of Pipes (UPVC, CPVC and PVC, PE and Others (including PPR, ABS and PVDF) on the Basis of Revenue in USD Million, 2017- 2022
Table 13-5: Saudi Arabia Plastic Pipes and Fittings Market Segmentation Future Projection by Type of Pipes and Fittings (PVC, PE and PPR) on the Basis of Volume in Tons, 2018-2020
Table 13-6: Rationale and Description for Saudi Arabia Plastic Pipes and Fitting Market Segmentation Future Projection by Types of Market Structure including Organized Market and Unorganized Market in Terms of Revenue in USD Million, 2017- 2022
Table 13-7: Saudi Arabia Plastic Pipes and Fittings Market Segmentation Future Projection by Organized and Unorganized Segmental Revenue in USD Million, 2017- 2022
Table 13-8: Rationale and Description for Plastic Pipes End User Application including Irrigation, Water Supply and Sewage, Plumbing, Chemical and Oil and Others, 2017- 2022
Table 13-9: Saudi Arabia Plastic Pipes and Fittings Market Future Projection by Type of End User Application (Irrigation, Water Supply and Sewage, Plumbing, Chemical and Oil and Others) in Terms of Revenue in USD Million, 2017- 2022
Table 13-10: List of Major Upcoming Development Projects in Saudi Arabia, 2017
Table 14-1: Analyst Recommendations for Saudi Arabia Plastic Pipes and Fittings Market

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