Vietnam Industrial Water and Waste Water Treatment Market Outlook to 2022

By Region (North, South and Central) and By Industry (Food Processing, Textile, Chemical, Power, Oil and Gas, Fertilizers and Others)



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May 2018

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About the Report

The report titled "Vietnam Industrial Water and Waste Water Treatment Market Outlook to 2022 - By Region (North, South and Central) and By Industry (Food Processing, Textile, Chemical, Power, Oil and Gas, Fertilizers and Others)" provides a comprehensive analysis on the Vietnam Industrial water and waste water treatment market. The report covers introduction to Vietnam water treatment market, Ecosystem, Market size by revenue, Market segmentation by region (North, South and Central), Market Segmentation by Industry (Power, Food Processing, Textile, Chemical, Paper and Pulp, Oil and Gas, Pharma and Others), Growth Drivers, Restraints, Key Regulations Future Outlook and Analyst recommendation.
Vietnam Industrial Water and Waste Water Treatment Market
This report will help the readers to identify the ongoing trends in the industry and anticipated growth in future depending upon changing industry dynamics in coming years. The report is useful for equipment manufacturers, water treatment consumable manufacturers and suppliers, environmental associations, EPC companies and potential entrants and other stakeholders to align their market centric strategies according to ongoing and expected trends in the future.

Vietnam Industrial Water and Waste Water Treatment Market Overview:
Industrial water and waste water treatment industry in Vietnam registered a positive five year CAGR during 2012-2017. The market size grew constantly in terms of order intake during the period 2012-2017. The growth was mainly driven by rapid industrialization of Vietnam which leads to high level of pollution in the water bodies, strict implementation of regulatory norms and scarcity of water promoting the industries to use recycled water. Increased demand for energy and rise in manufacturing industries has promoted the development of water treatment industry.

Market Segmentation

By Region: Southern part of Vietnam is the biggest market for water treatment industries accounting for more than half of the market in 2017. Heavy penetration of industrialization in the southern provinces (Ho Chi Minh region) was the key driver. It was followed by Northern Vietnam which due to its close proximity with China has attracted huge investment in heavy manufacturing and petrochemicals. Central part of Vietnam has not seen as much of industrial activity as North and South Vietnam. However, the region has seen recent development in Food Processing Industry and may contribute to the wastewater treatment industry in future.

By Industry
: Food Processing units were the largest users of water treatment facilities in Vietnam. The country's food and beverage industry is experiencing a healthy growth rate and attracting a lot of FDI projects. It was followed by Chemical Industry. Textile, another water intensive industry, has always been a heavy contributor to Vietnamese export and this trend is expected to continue in the future. Due to rapid industrialization and urbanization, demand for electricity has peaked and numerous power projects with investment are expected to be completed in the future. This will create a huge demand for wastewater treatment facilities.

Competition Scenario:
Majority of the new contracts are in small to medium scale segment and are garnered by local companies. Companies operating in EPC business in industrial water and waste water treatment are also engaged in developing infrastructure in Sewage treatment and municipal water treatment for drinking. Many large scale projects are still in the bidding stage. Van Lang and SEEN Technologies Corporation continues to lead the market in Vietnam Industrial Water and Waste water treatment market due to their better capabilities and vast experience in developing projects in water treatment industry in Vietnam. O&M projects contributed a minor fraction of total order intake in 2017.

Future Outlook:
It is expected that market will register constant growth increasing till 2022 registering a positive five year CAGR of nearly 3%. Demand is expected to be highest in the Southern states followed by the North. Future for industrial water and waste water treatment is regulation driven and degree of implementation of existing or upcoming regulation will act as the key driver of the market.

Key Topics Covered

  • Overview of Water and Waste Water Treatment Industry in Vietnam
  • Value chain analysis.
  • Vietnam Industrial water and waste water market size by revenue
  • Major players in the Vietnam water and waste water treatment Ecosystem.
  • Market segmentation by region (North South and Central), by Industry (Power, Food and Beverages, Chemical, Textile, Pharma, , Oil and gas and Others),
  • Restraints
  • Growth drivers
  • Comparative Analysis of Major Companies
  • Company profile of major companies (Van Lang, Seen Technologies Corporation, Ecoba ENT, GREE Environmental)
  • Market Share of Major Players
  • Future outlook
  • Analyst recommendation



  • Van Lang,
  • Seen Technologies Corporation,
  • Ecoba ENT,
  • GREE Environmental

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary

2. Research Methodology

2.1 Market Definitions
2.2 Abbreviations
2.3 Consolidated Research Approach
2.4 Market Sizing and Limitation
2.6 Variables (Dependent and Independent)
2.7 Correlation Matrix
2.8 Regression Matrix

3. Vietnam Water and Waste Water Treatment

3.1Market Overview
3.2 Industrial Zones Overview (as of 2016)
3.3 Water and Waste Water Treatment Market Overview

4. Value Chain Analysis

4.1 Roadmap for Tender Application for EPC Company in Vietnam Water and Waste Water Treatment Market
4.2 Vietnam Water and Waste Water Treatment Market – EPC Contracts
4.3 Vietnam Water and Waste Water Treatment Market – O&M Contracts
4.4 Value Chain in Vietnam Industrial Water and Waste Water Treatment Market
4.4.1 Industry Participants Expected Margin Range Vietnam Industrial Water and Waste Water Treatment Market
4.4.2 Vietnam Water and Waste Water Treatment Market – EPC Contract Payment System
4.5 EPC Asset Light Operational Model in Vietnam Water and Waste Water Treatment Market
4.6 Ecosystem in Vietnam Industrial Water and Waste Water Treatment Market

5. Vietnam Industrial Water and Waste Water Treatment Market Size by Order Intake

6. Market Segmentation

6.1 Vietnam Industrial Water and Waste Water Treatment Market Segmentation by Region by Order Intake, 2017
6.2 Vietnam Industrial Water and Waste Water Treatment Market Segmentation by Industry by Order Intake, 2017
6.2.1 Vietnam Industrial Water and Waste Water Treatment Market in Power Sector
6.2.2 Vietnam Industrial Water and Waste Water Treatment Market in Food Processing Industry
6.2.3 Vietnam Industrial Water and Waste Water Treatment Market in Textile Sector
6.2.4 Vietnam Industrial Water and Waste Water Treatment Market in Chemical Industry
6.3 Vietnam Industrial Water and Waste Water Treatment Market Segmentation by Type of Contract by Order Intake (EPC and O&M)

7. Trends, Growth Drivers and Restraints

7.1 Growth Drivers
7.2 Restraints
7.3 Technology Trends
7.4 Technology and Processes Involved
7.5 Other Key Technology Trends

8. Key Regulations in Vietnam Industrial Water and Waste Water Treatment Market

9. Competitive Landscape

9.1 Industry Participants, Classification of Players, Major Players in Vietnam Industrial Water and Waste Water Treatment Market
9.2 Parameters for Competition
9.3 Competition Scenario
9.4 Comparative Analysis of Major EPC Companies
9.5 Company Profile of Van Lang Company
9.6 Company Profile of Duong Nhat
9.7 Company Profile of Seen Technologies Corporation
9.8 Company Profile of Ecoba ENT
9.9 Company Profile of Green Eye Environment (GREE)

10. Mergers and Acquisitions in Vietnam Water and Waste Water Treatment Market

11 Future Outlook and Potential

11.1 Future Projections, 2017-2022
11.1 Future Projections for Market Segmentation by Industry, 2022

12. List of Under Construction Manufacturing Units

13. Vietnam Industrial Water and Waste Water Treatment Equipment Market Size by Revenue, 2017-2022

14. Analyst Recommendations


List of Figure

Figure 1-1: Vietnam Industrial Water and Waste Water Treatment Market by Order Intake, 2012-2022
Figure 1-2: Vietnam Industrial Water and Waste Water Treatment Market by Regions by Order Intake, 2017 and 2022
Figure 3-1: Demand and Demand- Supply deficit for Water in Vietnam over the years (million m3/ day)
Figure 5-1: Industrial Water and Waste Water Treatment Market Size by Order Intake in USD Million, 2012-2017
Figure 5-2: Rising GVA in Manufacturing Sector has aided in Market Growth
Figure 6-1: Industrial Water and Waste Water Treatment Market Segmentation by Region by Order Intake, 2017
Figure 6-2: Market Segmentation by Industry by Order Intake, 2017
Figure 6-3: Total industrial food production in Vietnam in thousand tonnes, 2013-16
Figure 6-4: Industrial Water and Waste Water Treatment Market Segmentation by Order Intake, 2017
Figure 9-1: Ecoba ENT Revenue USD Million, FY'2010-13
Figure 11-1: Vietnam Industrial Water and Waste Water Treatment Market by Order Intake in USD Million, 2017-2022
Figure 11-2: Vietnam Industrial Water and Waste Water Treatment Market Segmentation by Region by Order Intake, 2017-2022
Figure 11-3: Vietnam Industrial Water and Waste Water Treatment Market Segmentation by Industry, 2017-2022
Figure 13-1: Industrial Water and Waste Water Treatment Equipment Market Size in USD Million, 2017-2022

List of Table

Table 1-1: List of major EPC Players in Industrial Wastewater Treatment, Vietnam
Table 2-1: Correlation Matrix for Vietnam Water and Waste Water Treatment Market
Table 2-2: Regression Coefficient Output for Vietnam Industrial Water and Waste Water Treatment Market
Table 4-1: List of Major Players in Vietnam Industrial Water and Waste Water Treatment Market Ecosystem
Table 4-2: List of Major End Users in Vietnam Industrial Water and Waste Water Treatment Market Ecosystem
Table 6-1: Major Industry Clusters in Vietnam, 2017
Table 6-2: Major End User Players by Sector in Vietnam, 2017
Table 6-3: Processes Involved for Water Treatment in Power Plant
Table 6-4: Installed Capacity (MW) for Electricty Production in Vietnam by Region as of Oct. 2016
Table 6-5: Major Thermal Power Plants in Vietnam
Table 6-6: Total industrial food production in Vietnam in thousand tonnes, FY'2013-16
Table 6-7: Consumption Growth rate of Food and Beverage Manufacturing Industries in terms of Percentage FY'2012-16
Table 6-8: Textile Production in Vietnam 2015-2016
Table 6-9: Effluent Parameters in Textile Industry, (Max Values)
Table 6-10: Chemical Industry Overview in Vietnam, 2017
Table 6-11: Growth Percentage in the manufacturing of Chemical Products in Vietnam, 2013-2016
Table 9-1: Competition Scenario in Vietnam Industrial Water and Waste Water Treatment Market on the Basis of Projects Size by Volume
Table 9-2: Comparative Analysis of Major EPC Companies by Revenue, Order Book, Employees, Installed Capacity, Global Presence, O&M, Sectors of Operation and Project Size
Table 9-3: Van Lang Profile including Company Overview, Operating Segment, R&D and Business Strategies and Recent Projects
Table 9-4: Major Projects of Van Lang Company including Sector, Year of Allotment, Effluent Standard, and Location
Table 9-5: Duong Nhat Profile including Company Overview, R&D, Recent Projects, and Business Strategies
Table 9-6: Seen Technologies Corporation Profile including Company Overview and Recent Developments
Table 9-7: Ecoba ENT Profile including Company Overview, Area of Operation, Business Strategy, Order Book and Recent Developments
Table 9-8: GREE Profile including Company Overview, Area of Operation, Business Strategy, Order Book and Recent Developments
Table 9-9: Mergers and Acquisitions in Vietnam Water and Waste Water Treatment Market
Table 11-1: Vietnam Industrial Water and Waste Water Treatment Market Segmentation by Region by Order Intake in USD Million, 2017-2022
Table 11-2: Vietnam Industrial Water and Waste Water Treatment Market Segmentation by Industry Value Million USD, 2017-2022
Table 12-1: List of Major Projects in Manufacturing Sector Requiring WWTP

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