UAE Debt Collection Market Outlook to 2027

Characterized by fierce competition among the existing players and high growth prospects

Region:Middle East

Author(s):Chirag Gupta

Product Code:KR1344

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Published on

July 2023

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About the Report

About the Report

The report provides a comprehensive analysis of the potential of debt collection market in UAE. The report covers an overview and genesis of the industry, market size in number of cases settled and debt collected.

Its market segmentation includes Segment, type of firm, age of firm, geographical presence and Sub-segmentation of insurance segment & financing segment; growth enablers and drivers, challenges and bottlenecks, trends; regulatory framework; industry analysis, competitive landscape including competition scenario, and market shares of major players on the basis of debt collected and cases settled. The report concludes with future market projections of each segmentation and analyst recommendations.

debt collection market in UAE

Market Overview:

According to Ken Research estimates, UAE Debt Collection Market – which grew at a CAGR of 11.6% in the period of 2017-2022 – is expected to grow at a CAGR of 12.8% in the forecasted period of 2022-2027, owing to increasing emphasis on NLP techniques and changing IT policies and documentation.

UAE Debt Collection Market Revenue

  • Digital collections are being extensively used which leverages analytics to make the process more efficient.
  • Collection agents are being trained to equip them with latest technology and to adept them to various consumer situations for providing more feasible solutions.
  • The industry is slowly becoming more customer-centric in its approach.


Key Trends by Market Segment:

By Segment: Non-Finance segment accounted for more than one third percentage of the debt collected and more than half of the cases solved. This segment has low ticket size. Hence, they have major share in total number of cases settled. Majorly cases related to telecom, real estate, manufacturing sector are outsourced for debt collection. Telecom players like Etisalat, Emirates Integrated Technology Company are the biggest clients of debt collection companies in the non-finance segment.

UAE Debt Collection Market Revenue

By Geographical Presence: Most of the debt collection agencies and law firms have their presence in Abu Dhabi and Dubai. This happens due to ease of legal structure in these emirates as compared to the others as they have their own local judicial systems and do not follow the federal judicial systems present in emirates like Sharjah, Ajman etc.

UAE Debt Collection Market Regional Analysis

Competitive Landscape

Tahseel, First Solution Management Service are the market leaders in UAE Debt Collection Market; the market is highly fragmented consisting of many players. Within the debt collection agencies, there are multiple players with similar share of the market leading to intense competition among these agencies in terms of meeting their targets and collecting debts in order to perform better than the other.

Ecosystem of UAE Debt Collection Market

Future Outlook

Rise in digital collection techniques and increasing use of AI and ML for recovery predictions are expected to contribute to the market growth over the forecast period.

Increasing use of technology in the industry like NLP techniques, speed dialers, robotic collections, automated dashboarding and reports etc. is expected to drive the market in the future. Also, the increasing tendency of companies to focus on maintaining proper documentation and meeting regulatory compliance will further lead to growth. The growth is expected is to settle down in the future leading to consolidation of market.

Scope Of The Report

Scope of the Report

By Segment




By Type of Firm


Debt Collection Agency

Law Firm

By Age of Firm

0 to 10 yrs

10 to 20 yrs

20 to 30 yrs

By Geographical Presence

Abu Dhabi





Umm Al-Quwain

Ras Al-Khaimah

Sub-segmentation of insurance segment & financing segment

Sub-segmentation of insurance segment

Motor & Transportation


Liability & Others

Sub-segmentation of financing segment

Real State


Financial institution





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Key Target Audience – Organizations and Entities Who Can Benefit by Subscribing This Report

  • Existing Debt Collection Companies
  • Law Firms
  • Financing Companies
  • Non-Financing Companies
  • Insurance Companies
  • Debt Collection & Management software providers
  • Government Agencies
  • Finance Consultants
  • Others

Time Period Captured in the Report

  • Historical Period: 2017-2022
  • Base Year: 2022
  • Forecast Period: 2022-2027


Major Players Mentioned in the Report

Supply Side Companies

Debt Collection Companies

  • Tahseel
  • CMS
  • Aman Debt Collection
  • First Solution Management Services
  • Credit Recovery
  • AW Holding
  • Bilkish
  • Derby Group of Companies
  • Quick action
  • Alpha Debt Collection
  • Fort Equity
  • ATDC

Law firms/Debt Collection

  • Taswiyeh
  • Dubai Debt Recovery
  • STA
  • Al Bahara Associate
  • Bin Eid

Regulatory Bodies and Judiciary

  • Central Bank of The UAE
  • Judicial Department

Demand Side Companies

Insurance Companies

  • Etihad Credit Insurance
  • Atradius
  • Cigna
  • Coface
  • Pecific prime
  • Metlife
  • Emirates RE
  • ACE

Financing companies

  • Emirates NBD
  • ADCB
  • Dubai First
  • Mashreq
  • Commercial Bank of Dubai
  • Dubai Islamic Bank
  • FAB
  • HSBC
  • ADIB

Non-Finance companies

  • Etisalat
  • Etihad Water and Electricity
  • Emaar
  • Nakheel

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary

1.1. Executive Summary – UAE Debt Collection Market

2. Country Overview of UAE

2.1. Economic and Demographic Overview of UAE

2.2. Overview of Insurance Sector in UAE

2.3. Overview of Financing Sector in UAE

3. Global Debt Collection Market Overview

4. UAE Debt Collection Market Overview

4.1. Ecosystem of UAE Debt Collection Market – Demand Side

4.2. Ecosystem of UAE Debt Collection Market – Supply Side

4.3. Introduction to UAE Debt Collection Market

4.4. Value Chain Analysis – Amicable Settlement

4.5. Value Chain Analysis – Litigation Settlement

4.6. Value Chain Analysis – Value Chain

4.7. Value Chain Analysis – Operational Parameters

4.8. Typical Organizational Chart of a Debt Collection Company in UAE

5. Market Size of Debt Collection Industry in UAE

6. Market Segmentation of Debt Collection Industry in UAE

6.1. UAE Debt Collection Market Segmentation by Segment, 2022

6.2. UAE Debt Collection Market Segmentation by Type of Firm, 2022

6.3. UAE Debt Collection Market Segmentation by Age of Firm, 2022

6.4. UAE Debt Collection Market Segmentation by Geographical Presence, 2022

6.5. Sub-Segmentation of Insurance and Financing Segment in UAE Debt Collection Market, 

7. Industry Analysis

7.1. SWOT Analysis

7.2. Trends and Developments in UAE Debt Collection Market

7.3. Digital Trends shaping the UAE Debt Collection Market

7.4. Growth Drivers of UAE Debt Collection Market

7.5. Issues and Challenges in UAE Debt Collection Market

7.6. Challenges for New Entrants in UAE Debt Collection Market

7.7. Certifications obtained in UAE Debt Collection Market

7.8. Regulatory Landscape

7.9. Court System in UAE – Overview

8. Competition Landscape

8.1. Market Shares of Major Debt Collection Companies in UAE on the basis of Debt 

8.2. Competitive Analysis based on Segment-Wise Market Shares

8.3. Competitive Analysis based on Fundamental

8.4. Competitive Analysis based on Service Offering and Geographical Presence

8.5. Competitive Analysis based on Clientele (Segment-wise Clientele)

8.6. Competitive Analysis based on Operating Model

9. Competitive Landscape

9.1. Competition Overview of Germany Hyperscale Data Centre Market

9.2. Gartner Magic Quadrant

9.3. Cross Comparison of Top Players

9.4. Strength & Weakness of Top Players

10. Future Outlook and Projections, 2022-2027

10.1. Market Size of Debt Collection Industry in UAE on the basis of Debt Collected and 
Cases Settled

10.2. UAE Debt Collection Market Segmentation by Segment, 2027

10.3. UAE Debt Collection Market Segmentation by Type of Firm, 2027

11. Case Study

12. Analyst Recommendations

13. Research Methodology


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Research Methodology

Research Methodology

Step: 1 

Exhaustive research has been done to identify the list of major players which have a presence in UAE debt collection market.

Step: 2 

Analysts have conducted desk-based research as well as primary research to understand the value chain, business model, industry trends and collate statistics on industry level information such as purpose of taking payment, company stage, type of booking mode and other areas to create initial level hypothesis. Company level info has also been explored by referring to press release, annual report, financial statement and other documents to understand basic information around the major players.

Step: 3 (Market Sizing Approach):

Market Size and CAGR ascertained via primary throughout the study period, interviews with C level executives, Directors and VP, Business Development head to understand value chain, insights and trends of UAE debt collection market and growth drivers and challenges faced by players.

Research Methodology for UAE Debt Collection Market

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

01 What is the current growth rate of UAE Debt Collection market? 

UAE Debt Collection market has been growing at a CAGR of 11.6% between 2017-22.

02 What are the key factors driving UAE Debt Collection? 

Pandemic induced trend, increasing emphasis on NLP techniques & changing IT policies are driving the UAE Debt Collection market.

03 Who are the key players in UAE Debt Collection Market? 

Tahseel, Bilkish, Derby Group of Companies are some of the key players in UAE Debt Collection market.

04 What are the future trends in UAE Debt Collection market? 

Rise in digital connections and increasing use of AI and ML for recovery are expected to contribute to market growth.

05 What is the future forecast for UAE Debt Collection Market? 

UAE Debt Collection is expected to grow at a CAGR of 12.8% between 2022-2027.

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