Lubricating the Future: Collaborative Standards and Advocacy in the UK Lubricants Industry: Ken Research

Story Outline The Role of UKLA and UKPIA ACEA, SAE, and API: Trustworthy Quality Standards Empowering End-Users of Lubricants. According to Ken Research, The UK lubricant market has experienced remarkable growth and progress in recent years, driven by effective collaboration between regulatory bodies and trade associations such as UKLA and UKPIA. These partnerships enable the… Read More »

The Role of Price and Brand in Choosing Lubricants: Insights and Recommendations from Mechanics for End Users: Ken Research

Story Outline Mechanics play a crucial role in guiding customers with limited technical knowledge in lubricants, emphasizing the importance of their recommendations. Price sensitivity is a significant factor for end users, who may opt for more affordable options or invest in higher-cost lubricants for expensive vehicles. Wide availability of lubricants through various channels, including service… Read More »