Will Innovation and Demand Drive Unprecedented Growth in the US Real Estate Services Market? : Ken Research

National home prices reach record high amid signs of weakening market, with the Pacific division experiencing sharp price declines. Existing-home sales hampered by housing inventory shortage as sellers hold on to lower-rate mortgages, hindering market growth. 2. Opportunities remain in US real estate service market despite headwinds                … Read More »

How Has The US Real Estate Services Market Been Revolutionized, Considering Its Staggering Valuation Of USD 4 Tn In 2022? : Ken Research

Story Outline America leads in outsourced facility management with a digital transformation sweeping the industry. Adoption of new technology and strategic products cater to millennials, while housing affordability remains a challenge. Facility management sees growth in America with investments in integrated services and new technology adoption. Market players opt for outsourcing and strategic partnerships, enhancing… Read More »